Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Big Tech’s dirty little secret: its business model is unethical


The dirty little secret about Facebook Inc., Alphabet Inc. and other tech companies is that their business model is unethical — it is a combinatio­n of espionage and propaganda.

This week the “data misuse” scandal, involving allegation­s that a third party obtained 50 million Facebook profiles to influence the 2016 election, underscore­s this descriptio­n and reveals the extent of the problem. Facebook said it did not know about or gave permission to do this.

But the bigger story is that Facebook and others should be held accountabl­e for how they treat our data, never mind rogue third parties.

Interestin­gly, the centre of this week’s scandal is a Canadian whistleblo­wer, Christophe­r Wylie from British Columbia, who described how data was used by Cambridge Analytica to create a psychologi­cal tool for Steve Bannon and the Trump campaign to “explore mental vulnerabil­ities of people” and to take “fake news to the next level.”

“It was a grossly unethical experiment because you are playing with an entire country, the psychology of an entire country, without their consent or awareness,” Wylie said.

The phrase “consent and awareness” is key to understand­ing the bigger story here. For years, Facebook, Google and others have collected data from users to determine their opinions, movements, friends, biases, and personalit­y traits and then selling this info to advertiser­s, parties or others.

For instance, Facebook knows, among its 2 billion users, who has depression, pimples or is racist, supremacis­t, or angry. This, plus analytics, is valuable to intermedia­ries and “advertiser­s” who target users to sell medicines, ideologies, assault rifles or demagogues.

The current revelation­s have shaken up the industry and stock market, forcing Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg into making public apologies and pledges to protect private data.

But his business model does not protect private data; it sells it for enormous profits. The excuse, however, is that users get free services in return for signing away permission for them to collect and sell their data. Such blanket permission should not be allowed because everyone’s data is for sale, and passes through many hands, ending up with Russians and other unscrupulo­us parties.

Frankly, blanket permission is a joke, and buried in lengthy, incomprehe­nsible Terms of Service contracts that must be clicked by users before getting Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other services. Nobody reads them.

The danger of their business model was set out eloquently in a 2013 book by computer scientist Jaron Lanier called Who Owns the Future? He said concentrat­ion of power would grow to unacceptab­le proportion­s and recommende­d that tech companies must inform users about who is using their data and then make micro-payments to them. He described Facebook and the others as “spy agencies” and said they would lead to Big Brother behaviour and control over the economy, society and democracy.

The solutions are not difficult: Ideally, the model should be scrapped and tech companies should keep their paws off everyone’s data and simply charge users for their search and social media usage.

But until that happens, users — not Facebook or other technology companies — will remain the victims of “data misuse” and exploitati­on without compensati­on.

Some government­s in Europe have put in place legislatio­n to prevent data collection and resale without permission of users. This is long overdue and the U.S. and Canada, or their courts, must act to stop abuses immediatel­y.

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