Saskatoon StarPhoenix



Is it time for separate beds?

I mean, do couples have to sleep together all night, every night, forever?

Who says so? The mattress industry, maybe. But you’d think there would be more money to be made selling mattresses to every member of a household rather than having two use one. We’re talking sleep here, not ride sharing. And sleep is uber-important. In fact, it’s the most important thing in the world — after oxygen and before Vietnamese food.

And yet, counterint­uitively, mattress technology has been trying to keep couples together for decades.

In 1958, “Simmons became the first mattress company to introduce the king and queen size mattresses. Years later, they were featured in Life magazine and other national publicatio­ns,” the company website says.

In the 1990s, Simmons heralded the “bowling ball mattress.” You could set up pins on one end and drop a bowling ball on the other and the pins would stay put like they were glued in place the way they are when I go bowling.

Thus, if your sleeping partner spends the night throwing his balls around, you wouldn’t even know it.

Note also the “Sleep Number Bed.” Each side of the mattress has its own control. One side can be soft and the other rock hard. I’m not going anywhere with this one.

Then there’s the split mattress that tilts. Add a TV and microwave within reach and you never have to get up.

For crying out loud, why don’t they just admit that a separate sleeper on a separate mattress is the only real solution? It turns out that the ancient TV characters once laughed at for their modesty — Lucy and Desi, Rob and Laura Petrie — were right all along, although I remain skeptical of the pyjamas, which were in essence sleep dresses and night suits buttoned decorously to the throat.

We used to wonder how these black-and-white paragons of American married life managed to have children, as if twin beds had magical prophylact­ic powers, as if coupling were inconceiva­ble any other place.

Let’s face it. Mattresses are mainly for sleeping on. Or, as you get old, for NOT sleeping on; sleeping poorly is normal as you age, my doctor told me. Wonderful. Maybe you keep waking up because the grim reaper is knocking on the door.

Another thing I’ve been told (ahem) is that older people tend to do less ... canoodling than they used to. Gone are the days when they needed to drift off to dreamland in each other’s arms. No. The point is to pull the covers up, get unconsciou­s as soon as possible and stay that way until the alarm goes off.

Marriage might take chemistry but it’s more about math. The longer you’ve been together, the less you need to use the same mattress at the same time.

Here’s the equation: Take the number of years you’ve been married, times how many kids you have, divided by the hours of sleep you need to get through the day without taking hostages. Now convert this sum to dollars and multiply it by the price of a nice new mattress in a spare room where you can thrash and flip and snore and get up when nature calls and flail your elbows and get up when nature calls again — all without disturbing the person you once couldn’t stand to be apart from for more than 10 seconds.

As for the separate bed thing being less romantic: balderdash. What could be more romantic than actually still liking your mate and being rested enough to do something about it? Invite that person over to see your etchings. Put some music on the turntable, turn the lights down low and see what happens. (Mental note: see if mattress store sells etchings.)

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