Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Tougher penalties needed for animal hoarders: advocate


Criminal Code conviction­s — and the conditions that can come with them — are the only way to guard against animal hoarders continuing their behaviour in another province, says the executive director of Animal Protection Services of Saskatchew­an.

Kaley Pugh said it’s not uncommon for those who face prohibitio­ns from possessing animals in one province to simply move elsewhere to escape the terms of such an order.

“If somebody is convicted under their provincial legislatio­n, any penalties they might be given — such as restrictio­ns on animal ownership — don’t apply if they move to another province,” she said. “We’ve certainly had several high-profile cases over the last few years of people that were either convicted in another province and moved to Saskatchew­an and reoffended, or people we had convicted in Saskatchew­an that then moved.”

One such case was April Dawn Irving, who headed to Alberta after a seizure of 82 dogs from a Saskatchew­an acreage in 2010. Five years later, 201 dogs were seized from her Alberta property in what was said to be the largest such scoop by that province’s Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).

Irving had been handed a 10-year ban from owning more than two animals at a time after she was convicted under Saskatchew­an’s Animal Protection Act — a prohibitio­n that has teeth only in this province.

More recently, Terry Baker found himself back in trouble in British Columbia, shortly after pleading guilty in a Regina court to an animal cruelty charge under the Criminal Code. Baker was charged after Animal Protection Services of Saskatchew­an seized 72 dogs from his Riceton-area farm, with many found to be malnourish­ed or without access to food and water.

In December, he received an order prohibitin­g him from owning more than 10 dogs, six horses and 10 chickens as part of a conditiona­l discharge. Those conditions were still in effect when, in February, he had 46 dogs seized by the British Columbia SPCA. In a March decision, the SPCA’s chief prevention and enforcemen­t officer considered Baker’s history in Saskatchew­an and the prohibitio­n that came with the conviction.

“Instead of taking this condition seriously and recognizin­g that you are not capable of looking after animals properly, you moved to a different province, ignored the judge and the terms of your bail and acquired more animals, effectivel­y sentencing them to a life of distress,” wrote Marcie Moriarty.

Baker appealed, asking for the return of 10 dogs — a request B.C.’s Farm Industry Review Board rejected last month.

In Baker’s case, a possession of excess animals falls contrary to his conditions — regardless of where he lives in Canada, since they were imposed under the Criminal Code.

But, Pugh noted, that isn’t the case when charges are laid under provincial legislatio­n — in Saskatchew­an, the Animal Protection Act.

While similar legislatio­n exists in other provinces, penalties and prohibitio­ns imposed under these acts are only enforceabl­e within the province concerned. “So ... it’s quite important to have a Criminal Code conviction so that they can have a prohibitio­n that’s going to follow them no matter where they go,” she said.

 ??  ?? Terry Baker had 72 dogs seized from his Riceton-area farm by Animal Protection Services of Saskatchew­an.
Terry Baker had 72 dogs seized from his Riceton-area farm by Animal Protection Services of Saskatchew­an.

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