Saskatoon StarPhoenix



The clock is ticking. We are now less than two weeks until decision day for Kinder Morgan. Fewer than 14 days remaining until the oil company decides what to do with the troubled Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

And we’ve been waiting for strong action from both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Alberta Premier Rachel Notley, wondering whether either of them will force B.C. Premier John Horgan’s hand.

Horgan is among a number of obstructio­nists attempting to stall or outright kill the project for myriad reasons.

We’ve heard the PM talk about legislatio­n that is going to say once and for all that the feds have jurisdicti­on over the pipeline.

We’ve been waiting for that for a month.

So it was with some cautious optimism that the Notley government passed its own law allowing it to take tough action against B.C. To “turn off the taps,” as they say.

NDP MLAs were practicall­y falling over each other to speak to the bill in the house, to affirm their support for this tough measure.

But we want to know, will the province find the intestinal fortitude to grab the faucet and start turning the screws.

Notley and company have been talking a good game on the Trans Mountain file.

The premier has been steadfast, adamant that Alberta will do what it needs to do to ensure that B.C. gets the message loud and clear.

But when it came to the wine importatio­n ban, the government caved even though there wasn’t much movement on Horgan’s position, and more quickly than the province’s liquor warehouse could empty its shelves of B.C. Pinot.

So on the “turn off the taps” bill, Notley has said she’ll play her strongest hand.

Alberta has the tool now to apply even greater pressure to B.C.

But will it?

The closer the deadline approaches, the more pressure there will be on Notley to shut the flow of oil.

On this, she has painted herself and her government into a corner.

If there’s no movement from B.C., there will be no choice but to take that step.

And if it’s not taken, the government will be seen as toothless, and its legislatio­n pointless.

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