Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Maple bug numbers soar


A University of Saskatchew­an researcher says the city could be in for an autumn chock full of a very annoying pest thanks to a hot, dry summer.

Maple bugs, also known as box elder bugs, are already beginning to pop up around Saskatoon, and have been spotted in small swarms on trees along walking trails and in green spaces in the city.

Entomologi­st Sean Prager said it might be a little early in the year to start seeing maple bugs, but also noted that a hot summer could potentiall­y lead to a greater number of the pests than usual.

“It is known in other places, the more hot and dry you get, the more ( bugs) you get,” Prager said. “And we did have a pretty darn hot, dry summer.”

Prager said there are a few different juvenile phases that maple bugs go through before they become the well-known black-andred adult, but said the heat might make those phases shorter. And when the phases are shorter, maple bugs reach adulthood and can reproduce more quickly.

That means a chance at more “generation­s” of bugs, which could mean a larger maple bug population this fall.

Prager said maple bugs are quite common in Saskatoon due to the number of Manitoba maple trees in the city.

But according to Prager, it would be incredibly difficult for maple bugs — which he classified as “piercing-sucking insects” — to actually kill any trees.

“They sort of weave their mouth into the tree to suck on the sap,” he said. “They should not ever kill a tree. They’re basically just annoying.”

According to Prager, maple bugs have the capability to hide and survive the winter as well. A

They sort of weave their mouth into the tree to suck on the sap. They should not ever kill a tree. They are basically just annoying.

cold enough winter will kill most of them off, he said, but also noted that a larger population could affect next year as well.

“If you have a lot of them now, it’s conceivabl­e you’ll have a lot of them next year too,” he said. “But that’s somewhat difficult to know ... without doing the actual math.”

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 ?? TYLER BROWNBRIDG­E/FILES ?? Red-and-black pests, box elder bugs, also known as maple bugs, could show up in larger numbers this fall thanks to a hot, dry summer.
TYLER BROWNBRIDG­E/FILES Red-and-black pests, box elder bugs, also known as maple bugs, could show up in larger numbers this fall thanks to a hot, dry summer.

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