Saskatoon StarPhoenix

If You’re Suffering From A Leaky Bladder, Do This One Thing

Dr. Marchione shows why adult diapers and padded underwear are becoming a thing of the past.


Wilkesboro, North Carolina – Carrie B. suffered from bladder problems for a long time. What started off as a small leak whenever she sneezed or laughed, ended up with her losing so much control of her bladder, she had to cut down on going out. She tried drugs, but they came with nasty side effects, so she gave up on them and tried adult diapers. She hated the rustle of the diapers and was very conscious of the unmistakab­le odor of stale urine. Nothing seemed to work for Carrie until she did this one thing.

Fast Relief That Could Leave You Speechless

When asked how she felt, at first all she could say was “I can’t find the words to express how great I feel.” But later on she added. “I had so many accidents in public, I was afraid to leave the house. I even had to stop going to church. It was so humiliatin­g, I cried. Within one month of trying Bladder Rescue I noticed a big difference! I’ve started going back to church and I’m socializin­g again… Thank you!

Like Carrie, you too can get back your freedom. The freedom to plan your day according to what you want to do, and not what your bladder will allow. Imagine if you never have to worry about how long a movie will last, or how much you can drink, or even whether there is a toilet nearby. But you have to act now. Don’t let another day do by.

Ignore Bladder Problems At Your Own Risk

You see a leaky bladder not only ruins your social life and prevents you from getting a good night’s rest, it can lead to secondary complicati­ons. Urinary tract infection, bladder stones, kidney stones can all stem from a simple leaky bladder. And there is statistica­l evidence of a leaky bladder resulting in falls, fractures, and even severe mood swings. While a leaky bladder can be downright humiliatin­g, talking about it is embarrassi­ng. Which is why most people don’t even tell their family doctor about it.

This is a big mistake because, without proper care, a leaky bladder could continue to get worse.

Bladder Support Right At Home

Thanks to Dr. Victor Marchione we are able to bring unique bladder support to the confines of your home. Though Dr. Marchione is a certified M.D., his success with natural ingredient­s has given him the moniker – Food Doctor. Dr. Marchione, has recently developed a powerful and unique formula that is helping bring back the freedom into the lives of thousands of women. And men too. It has natural ingredient­s, is drug free, and best of all, it is fast acting. It is aptly called Bladder Rescue. And as you can see from Carrie’s story, it is clearly living up its name.

Do Not Wait. Support Your Bladder Health!

While there are thousands like Carrie who are happy to be using Bladder Rescue, the growing popularity of Bladder Rescue could have a negative impact on the adult diaper industry. What was till now a growing business (In many countries, including the US, sales of adult diapers are set to exceed the sales of baby diapers), could suddenly see a change in their fortunes. The diaper industry will be even more worried when they realize, Carrie’s success is no fluke and is based on scientific principles.

The Science Behind The Success

Your bladder is made up of different muscles. These muscles house a hollow cavity to hold urine. Bladder muscles, called sphincters, as well as muscles of your pelvic floor, keep urine from leaking.

When your bladder and pelvic floor muscles are strong, they can handle any extra pressure from a cough, sneeze, or laugh. But as these muscles become weak with age, any sudden pressure can push urine out of the bladder unexpected­ly. In fact, a recent report confirms that if you want to reduce bladder leakage, the first thing to do is strengthen all your bladder and pelvic floor muscles. And this is exactly what the main ingredient­s in Bladder Rescue - pumpkin seed extract and soy isoflavone­s – are proven to do.

Clinical Trials Back The Science

In an eight-week clinical study, the water soluble pumpkin seed extract worked far better at helping strengthen the bladder and urinary tract than the placebo. In fact, it helped reduce frequent urination and leakage. And nighttime urinations were also reduced. While this is great news, it is not enough.

But when pumpkin seed extract combines with soy isoflavone­s, this dynamic duo rapidly helped promote and support bladder health and function. In fact, in one clinical study, participan­ts reported a dramatic improvemen­t of bladder function starting in as little as 7 days.

Of course these two ingredient­s are ably supported by the other ingredient­s in Bladder Rescue – Magnesium, Cranberry, and the vitamins C, B12, and D. All of which can help strengthen bladder muscles and support bladder health.

Works For Both Men And Women

According to Dr. Marchione, as the bladder muscle in both men and women is similar in structure and function, the ingredient­s can work well for both the sexes. But for men, their urinary symptoms could be caused by an enlarged prostate. So it’s important to come to a correct diagnosis, before addressing the symptoms. If it’s a bladder problem, support the bladder muscle. If the symptoms are because of an enlarged prostate, proceed accordingl­y. Having said that, even after the prostate problem is resolved (drugs, supplement­s surgery) the leakage can continue. This is because an enlarged prostate can alter bladder muscle function in the long run. In which case, Bladder Rescue can help support bladder health and function.

Special Offer for Our Readers

If you call today, you will receive a 60 day, 100% satisfacti­on guarantee for trying Bladder Rescue! That’s right, you’ll have a full 60 days to try out Bladder Rescue. If you’re not satisfied with the product, or for any other reason, you can return the bottles (open and unopened) and you’ll owe nothing! No questions asked!

And when you speak to one of our agents, find out how you can obtain additional bottles at a discounted price. We’ll even pay the shipping cost! In as little as 7 days you can start to see the difference! By the end of your first month of using Bladder Rescue you can get real support of bladder health, and more importantl­y, get back to living life on your terms. But please hurry! Call 1-866-531-0466 today and quote BRNP0418, before it’s too late.

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 ??  ?? Dr. Victor Marchione has been practicing medicine for over 26 years and has been featured on ABC News and World Report, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and NBC’S Today Show. He recently remarked, “I understand that educating people about ways to prevent sickness and promote inner health is the best approach to medicine”
Dr. Victor Marchione has been practicing medicine for over 26 years and has been featured on ABC News and World Report, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and NBC’S Today Show. He recently remarked, “I understand that educating people about ways to prevent sickness and promote inner health is the best approach to medicine”
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