Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Change could create two-tiered legal system

Special privileges for corporatio­ns not fair to everyone else, Declan Hill says.


Wachovia Bank executives laundered billions of dollars for Mexican drug cartels. Actually, the American bank officials did more than aid criminals with financial issues. In 2006, when one narco gang had problems shipping drugs across the U.s.-mexican border, the bank executives bought commercial jets for the cartel and arranged their delivery to Mexico.

Wachovia was not the only bank that helped dubious people. The American government announced that some HSBC executives worked closely with the North Korean, Sudanese and Iranian regimes to help break the internatio­nal sanctions imposed on these government­s in a manner U.S. officials described as “stunning failures of oversight — and worse.”

These deals were admitted to by bank officials. U.S. Senate investigat­ors traced thousands of transactio­ns. Whistleblo­wers were willing to testify. However, not a single bank staff was arrested, convicted or jailed. Rather, what these organizati­ons and dozens of others did was confess to their misdemeano­urs and pay fines.

Welcome to the world of “deferred prosecutio­ns” or “remediatio­n agreements” for corporatio­ns. They are now, thanks to the Justin Trudeau government, coming to Canada.

Buried in an obscure clause in the spring 2018 mammoth budget bill, Canadian corporatio­ns have now been given, according to some anti-corruption experts, a “Get Out of Jail” pass.

Michael Spratt, an Ottawa defence lawyer, writes in his blog that these agreements are not available to individual­s, only to “rich corporatio­ns. A single mom, with no criminal record, who is struggling to put food on the table, and who did not report a social assistance overpaymen­t can face criminal charges. There are no … agreements for these people.”

The idea of two legal systems — one for the corporatio­ns, another for the rest of us — does not sit well with Garry Clement, an anti money laundering expert, who says: “Until we have someone from the board of directors of major corporatio­ns who are breaking the law doing the ‘perp walk’ they will continue to put greed before ethics.”

Defenders of remediatio­n agreements claim that they will save court time by allowing corporatio­ns to admit their guilt and pay a fine rather than going through a long court trial with no guarantee of a conviction.

They claim the agreements will also spare the innocents.

“Had the U.S. authoritie­s decided to press criminal charges, HSBC would almost certainly have lost its banking licence in the U.S., the future of the institutio­n would have been under threat and the entire banking system would have been destabiliz­ed, ” said assistant attorney general Lanny Breuer at a 2012 press conference announcing the fines against HSBC.

This perspectiv­e seems to be shared by the Liberal government.

In the discussion paper before the current legislatio­n, they write of “negative consequenc­es for blameless employees, customers, pensions, suppliers and investors” of prosecutin­g potentiall­y criminal corporate executives.

Some of Canada’s largest corporatio­ns defend the idea of deferred prosecutio­ns. As the legislatio­n was prepared, Snc-lavalin wrote a submission claiming that without the legislatio­n Canada is at a “distinct competitiv­e disadvanta­ge” as “Canadian companies have already lost significan­t contracts abroad because global competitor­s have been able to impugn the integrity of the firm, despite comprehens­ive remediatio­n action, while corruption charges are pending.”

Perhaps not coincident­ly, Snc-lavalin has the dubious distinctio­n of receiving one of the longest bans in the history of the World Bank for the role some of its former executives played in a Bangladesh­i bribe scandal.

Snc-lavalin is a strong financial donor to the Liberal government. It has also received billions of dollars in public contracts. It has also committed to a number of rigorous remedial actions.

But with another company, Canadians might see a scenario where corporate executives break the law, serve no jail time, then pay their company’s fine with taxpayers’ money.

Hill is a professor of investigat­ions at the University of New Haven and author of two books about sports corruption.

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