Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Start a mental health dialogue with loved ones, Craig and Marc Kielburger suggest.


Visits to the doctor aren’t fun. There’s a freezing-cold stethoscop­e, a stick in your throat and bright light in your eyes. Then come the embarrassi­ng personal questions. We endure these checkups to spot little health problems before they become big ones.

What about preventive mental health?

Most people don’t book an annual checkup with a psychiatri­st or counsellor. Yet, as with diabetes or cancer, it’s vital to spot issues like depression or anxiety before they become crises.

Mental health is finally a real conversati­on, slowly losing stigma with raised awareness and more sensitive media coverage. We can continue that conversati­on on a micro-level by taking time to check in on the well-being of friends and family.

The first challenge is starting a meaningful dialogue. We all hear “How are you?” so often that most of us now respond with an automatic “I’m fine.”

It’s easier when something is obviously eating the other person. It seems counter-intuitive to pry, but experts say to go straight to the heart of it: “You haven’t been as outgoing lately; is everything OK?” or “I know your dad passed away; how are you holding up?”

What if there isn’t something obvious? It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check in — or that your loved one isn’t facing challenges.

David O’malley, professor of social work at Bridgewate­r State University in Massachuse­tts suggests opening with: “What’s going well for you right now?” or “If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?” Creative questions lead to more thoughtful contemplat­ion about things that aren’t going so well.

If your friend or loved one doesn’t want to talk about their feelings, or insists they are OK (when you’re sure they’re not), don’t get frustrated.

“People have their own time frame to open up. Don’t force it,” says Dr. Nikola Grujich, a psychiatri­st with Toronto’s Sunnybrook Hospital.

Simply let the other person know you’re there for them.

If they do confide in you, and admit they’re not in a good place, don’t betray their trust by changing the topic, being judgmental, or dismissing their feelings — no matter how uncomforta­ble you may feel.

Ask them: “What can I do to support you?” But don’t launch into problem-solving mode.

“The most important lesson I’ve learned is that people don’t necessaril­y want or need advice. It’s about listening,” says Grujich.

If they do seek your advice, Grujich recommends helping them come up with their own answers. Respond with: “What do you feel like you should do?”

If they indicate they might need more profession­al help, give them a shoulder to lean on. Ask if you can assist in researchin­g resources, or if they’d like you to accompany them to a psychiatri­st or counsellor so they’re not facing it alone.

As we face the looming winter blahs, why not set a goal to check in with one important person in your life every week? Checking in on loved ones is also good for your own mental health. Studies have proven that helping others boosts our own well-being.

It might just be the best preventive medicine for you and your loved ones.

Craig and Marc Kielburger are the co-founders of the WE movement, which includes WE Charity, ME to WE Social Enterprise and WE Day. For more dispatches from WE, check out WE Stories at

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? Friends and family members suffering from mental health issues may need some time to open up about their feelings.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O Friends and family members suffering from mental health issues may need some time to open up about their feelings.

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