Saskatoon StarPhoenix



In his first speech from the throne, Premier Scott Moe proves he is both a lover and a fighter. It opens with a tribute to the spirit of charity in the province, telling the story of how throngs of farmers and volunteers showed up to take off the crop of Brian Williams, a Milestone-area farmer who died before harvest was finished. It was a heartfelt and appropriat­e way to begin. Moe is a relatable guy, and he taps into that in delivering his plans and priorities for the coming legislativ­e session. He knows his audience.

The speech will be well received by many Saskatchew­an residents for taking action on areas where our society is troubled: drinking and driving, the HIV/AIDS rate, and domestic and sexual assault.

In light of the tragic crash of the Humboldt Broncos team bus that killed 16 people, a review of problem intersecti­ons and of the training requiremen­ts for truck drivers will find clear support.

An apology will be issued for the Sixties Scoop, after consultati­on with survivors. This is overdue and is a necessary step in reconcilia­tion in the province.

The speech will not, however, be well received by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government. And that is one of the main points.

Again, many Saskatchew­an residents will welcome the fact Moe came out swinging against the federal government, especially on the carbon tax.

There is little doubt this is the position provincial politician­s are expected to take.

Even as NDP Leader Ryan Meili takes aim at Moe for his actions on the carbon tax file and the throne speech, he says the premier is “railing against a flawed federal approach.”

There is still a need for the Sask. Party to bring out a more detailed plan for how they will do better than the Trudeau Liberals on the climate change file. The speech refers to carbon capture and wind power projects, but questions remain about how industry will be expected to adjust their operations to mitigate effects on the environmen­t.

Standing up to Trudeau and the federal carbon tax may well be the right political choice for Saskatchew­an politician­s. There will come a day, and it should come soon, when a specific plan is rolled out to end uncertaint­y around the environmen­tal file.

Moe displays an understand­ing of the province he serves and a willingnes­s to protect its people in this throne speech. He needs to build on this with cutting-edge policies that lead Saskatchew­an into the future.

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