Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Pregnant wife saves husband with CPR


- Lindsey Bever

Thirty-nine weeks pregnant and scheduled to be induced the next day, Ashley Goette had to force the grim thoughts from her mind.

Goette, from Saint Paul, Minn., woke up last week and heard her husband, Andrew, gasping for air. Though she did not know it at the time, her husband was slipping into cardiac arrest, according to reports. Goette dialed 911.

“I think my husband can’t breathe,” she told the dispatcher, according to 911 audio obtained by “Good Morning America.” “He was just making these sounds. I think I need to give him CPR.”

She was right, and the dispatcher began to walk her through it, telling her to drag her husband onto the floor to start compressio­ns.

“I’m pregnant,” Goette responded, sounding as though she was struggling. “I can’t do this.”

The soon-to-be mom later said she started performing CPR on the bed, and soon after, the paramedics arrived, rushing her husband to a nearby hospital, where he was placed in a medically induced coma.

“I didn’t want to have to think for one second about having to do any of this without him,” she said during a news conference, according to Fox affiliate KMSP. “I kept telling him the whole time he was asleep, or in his coma, that I was not going to have this baby until he woke up.”

Officials said Andrew Goette was placed in the coma Oct. 16 at United Hospital in St. Paul and his body was cooled down in an effort to minimize possible brain damage. Despite fear that “he might have suffered severe damage from the cardiac arrest,” when he was awakened the next day, “he turned out to be fully responsive and neurologic­ally intact,” according to media advisory from Allina Health.

On Thursday, Ashley Goette was induced, and by the next day, she was ready to deliver their first child.

Goette said her husband’s medical team wheeled him down to the maternity ward in his hospital bed and “parked it next to mine,” according to KMSP. A photo on Gofundme shows the couple, side-by-side in their beds, holding hands.

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