Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Humboldt Broncos Gofundme court date adjourned to Nov. 28

- ALEX MACPHERSON amacpherso­­a

The families affected by the Humboldt Broncos bus crash will have to wait another two weeks to learn how almost $15 million raised online after the tragedy will be divided among them.

A panel appointed by the Humboldt Broncos Memorial Fund Inc. and approved by a Court of Queen’s Bench judge this summer was expected to present its plan Thursday morning in Saskatoon.

According to MLT Aikins LLP partner Jeff Lee, who represents the multimilli­on-dollar fund, the hearing before Justice Neil Gabrielson has been reschedule­d for Nov. 28.

“The reason for the adjournmen­t was simply because a brief amount of additional time was required to complete all tasks necessary for the court to deal with the matter,” Lee said in an email.

Following a request in July, Gabrielson approved the advancing of “urgently” needed payments of $50,000 to each of the 29 families affected by the April 6 crash, which killed 16 people and injured another 13.

The five-member panel has been tasked with determinin­g how approximat­ely $13 million remaining in the fund will be divided.

While it’s not clear how the cash will be split up, a judge ruled last month that it does not have to be limited to expenses.

The distributi­on of what is believed to be the largest online fundraiser in Canadian history — the Broncosgof­undmepagea­ttracted 140,000 donors — is being guided by Saskatchew­an’s untested Informal Public Appeals Act.

That money is separate from the Humboldt Strong Community Foundation, which opened after the Gofundme page closed.

It is also separate from donations made directly to the Saskatchew­an Junior Hockey League team.

At least $19 million has been raised since the crash.

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