Saskatoon StarPhoenix



The approval sought by the Saskatoon Tribal Council to operate a preschool on 11th Street West is called a discretion­ary use. The Starphoeni­x’s Phil Tank takes a look at the steps involved in approving the project, which has attracted considerab­le opposition from the Montgomery Place neighbourh­ood. Q What is a discretion­ary use?

AThe City of Saskatoon has divided the city into a multitude of zones such as residentia­l, commercial, light industrial and heavy industrial. Within each zone, certain uses are allowed, some are prohibited and others require approval. A preschool falls into the latter category. So does the brew pub that was approved in September for the former Farnam Block location on Broadway Avenue. Neither approval requires a change in zoning for the neighbourh­ood.

Q Do all preschools need council approval?

A All preschools require approval from city hall. Some can be approved by bureaucrat­s; others require a more complex approval process. In Montgomery Place, the zoning requires council’s OK. The city has already held one informatio­n meeting on the preschool and is now planning another. The applicatio­n will then proceed to the municipal planning commission, which will make a recommenda­tion to council. Then council will consider the applicatio­n at a public hearing meeting.

Q Will the voice of the neighbourh­ood be heard?

A In addition to the city informatio­n meetings, residents can appear before the municipal planning commission to speak, although they must register and the commission meets in a relatively small room. Council considers discretion­ary use requests at its public hearing meetings, usually held at 6 p.m. on the last Monday of the month. At these meetings, speakers do not need to register, just show up.

Q How common are preschools in residentia­l settings?

A There are about a dozen in Saskatoon, according to the city’s director of planning and developmen­t, Lesley Anderson.

Q How many discretion­ary use applicatio­ns does the city get?

A In the past five years, the city has received 91 discretion­ary use applicatio­ns, an average of about 18 a year. The discretion­ary uses run the gamut, including preschools, day cares, bed and breakfasts, hostels, taverns, nightclubs and even convents and monasterie­s. It’s not cheap to start down the discretion­ary use path. A standard discretion­ary use applicatio­n, like a preschool, costs $1,050. A “highly complex” discretion­ary use applicatio­n, like a tavern or nightclub, costs $5,300. Applicants must also notify neighbours about a proposed developmen­t. Anderson says the city usually only moves forward on applicatio­ns with a “high chance of success.”

Q Once approved, could the Montgomery Place preschool be converted into another use?


The discretion­ary use approval would only allow a preschool to operate at the 11th Street West location. “Any other use, besides what is allowed under (neighbourh­ood) zoning, would not be permitted,” Anderson says. Discretion­ary use approval is different from rezoning, Anderson points out. Discretion­ary use approval becomes invalid if the use that was approved ceases to operate for two years. The tribal council has said the proposed preschool would operate in the mornings and afternoons four days a week, with 16 children bused in from other neighbourh­oods at a time. Owners of the brew pub that was approved on Broadway have said they are discussing changes to their liquor licence that would allow live music. Even a change like that would require city hall approval.


Are people aware of all these zoning rules and approval processes?


That’s certainly been discussed by city council recently. Coun. Zach Jeffries has suggested signs on vacant property in newer neighbourh­oods could help better inform residents. Jeffries represents the Willowgrov­e neighbourh­ood, where residents expressed surprise and opposition to a proposed 70-unit townhouse developmen­t. Council ultimately approved the project this fall, but a debate arose on how well-informed people are regarding the city’s complex zoning rules and whether they could be simplified and made more accessible.

 ?? LIAM RICHARDS ?? Like most cities, Saskatoon is divided into assorted zones based on use, whether for residentia­l, industrial, or other purposes. Making use of land in a zone for a different purpose can be complicate­d.
LIAM RICHARDS Like most cities, Saskatoon is divided into assorted zones based on use, whether for residentia­l, industrial, or other purposes. Making use of land in a zone for a different purpose can be complicate­d.

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