Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Huge tax hike looms if waste user fees nixed


Saskatoon Coun. Darren Hill wants a redo of his vote on introducin­g user fees for trash collection, but it’s important to remember the waste landscape has changed.

Hill signalled last week that he intends to force a vote on rescinding the concept he endorsed nine days earlier to introduce the new way to pay for trash collection.

With a precarious 6-5 vote to move forward with a utility on Nov. 19, an attempt to overturn that vote could well be successful. The implicatio­ns from the Dec. 17 vote are huge for taxpayers.

Council also voted to introduce a new mandatory collection program for organic waste that would be paid for by property tax. Hill backed that, too. Actually, he championed it.

Essentiall­y, the property taxes that are now paying for trash collection would have covered the organics program instead. The new fees would cover trash collection starting in 2020.

Without the new fees, the city administra­tion has estimated the property tax increase at 4.7 per cent. That’s not the entire property tax increase — just the increase needed to cover the waste changes.

City council just last week approved a property tax increase of 4.4 per cent in 2019 to cover all city operations.

Council was told that a 3.16 per cent property tax increase was needed just to maintain city services at current levels. Add that to the 4.7 per cent, and you get an increase of nearly eight per cent.

That property tax increase would not include any new spending — other than waste — or new initiative­s like, say, implementi­ng the pending massive overhaul of the transit system.

The kicker is that the 4.7 per cent pain would apply to every household and business in the city, but the new organics service would only apply to people living in single-family homes.

That means about 40 per cent of households in the city — apartments and townhouses — would pay for a service they did not receive. And they would be hit with a 4.7 per cent tax hike, as would businesses.

Hill is being cryptic about his change of heart. He’s suggested he has new informatio­n and he thinks there’s more room at the landfill.

Council, by the way, has known about the likely direction waste changes were headed for more than a year.

Three years ago, Hill argued against rescinding the closure of Ninth Street because it would undermine the city’s process for reviewing traffic issues. How badly would a reversal on waste damage city hall’s overall credibilit­y?

Last year, Hill signalled he wanted a vote on rescinding a $3-million contributi­on to the University of Saskatchew­an’s new twinpad rink facility. Supporters of the spending waited seven hours at a city council meeting before Hill announced he was withdrawin­g his motion.

A waste reversal could create a ripple. Would council then be compelled to reconsider the introducti­on of the organics program, or just start selling residents on a huge property tax hike for a service many won’t receive?

The organics program for single-family homes passed by a slightly higher margin, 7-4, so it might be tougher to overturn.

Plus, the city has allocated close to $750,000 in next year’s budget to set up the organics program.

It will be interestin­g to watch those councillor­s who voted against garbage fees, but argued against spending $150,000 to add an employee in 2019 to help accelerate the city’s plan to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Coun. Ann Iwanchuk, Coun. Bev Dubois and Coun. Troy Davies all suggested that adding the extra spending during budget talks amounted to bad governance.

A colossal reversal on waste changes after a year of divisive debate is hardly straight out of the good governance handbook.

Coun. Zach Jeffries’ vote will add to the intrigue. His vote against user fees seemed a bit of a surprise, but, like Hill, he also voted for the new organics program.

As for city hall’s goal of diverting 70 per cent of material from the landfill by 2023, endorsed by council, that could also well wind up at the proverbial dump.

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