Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Ritz a poor choice for ag honour


Around Nov. 9 many western newspapers published a letter by Ian Robson of Manitoba, which pointed out the fallacy of former agricultur­e minister Gerry Ritz being inducted to the Agricultur­e Hall of Fame.

A followup letter by Kevin Bender (chairman of Alberta Wheat Commission) strongly disagreed with Robson’s analysis of why Ritz is a very poor selection.

Sorry Kevin, I agree with Robson’s analysis.

Ritz was the head honcho in the attack to get rid of the farmer-owned Canadian Wheat Board, and in reality plundered and sold cheaply CWB assets owned by farmers. Those assets included hopper cars, office buildings, grain ships and cash. These assets were given to a foreign entity.

Ritz also killed the community pasture program, the shelterbel­t program and Indian Head Tree Nursery, and cut Agri-stability programs and the Port of Churchill, along with the rail line, which was given to foreign-owned Omnitrax.

He gutted the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and cut $3 billion from Agricultur­e Canada.

Spending cuts in the agricultur­e sector under Ritz in 2012-13 were nearly $15 million.

He not only threw farmers to the corporate wolves, but also endorsed trade deals to weaken Canada’s supply management.

To add insult to injury, during the 2008 listeriosi­s crisis which had already killed 17 people, Ritz’s comment was, “This is like death by a thousand cuts — or should I say cold cuts.” When informed that another death had occurred in P.E.I., Ritz’s comment was, “Please tell me it’s Wayne Easter”, who was the ag critic at the time.

Does Kevin Bender, or for that matter Toronto’s Royal Agricultur­e Winter Fair, really think Ritz should be named to the Agricultur­e Hall of Fame? I do not.

Joyce Neufeld, Waldeck

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