Saskatoon StarPhoenix



Makes: plenty

1 lb 5 oz (600 g) dark chocolate

9 1/4 oz (260 g) Dumle toffees (see note)

2 1/2 cups (625 ml) salted peanuts

1 cup (250 ml) shelled pistachios

4 handfuls mini marshmallo­ws

1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. To melt the chocolate, set your stove at a low power setting, use a heavy-bottomed pan, break the chocolate into pieces and add it to the pan and stir constantly until the chocolate has melted.

3. Continue stirring for a minute or so after you have taken the pot off the stove to make sure that any residual heat in the metal doesn’t burn the chocolate.

4. Or, if you are using a microwave oven, set it to a low power setting and open the door to stir every 30 seconds or so until the chocolate has melted.

5. Cut the toffees into 3 pieces each, then add them and almost all of the nuts and marshmallo­ws to the melted chocolate.

6. Pour the chocolate mixture onto the prepared baking sheet and spread it out until it is 1 1/4 inch (3 cm) in thickness.

7. Sprinkle the remaining nuts and marshmallo­ws on top and leave to cool and set. Cut into pieces or break into chunks.

Note: You can buy Dumle toffees (soft toffee covered with milk chocolate) online or at Scandinavi­an food stores.

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