Saskatoon StarPhoenix




Sunny into the afternoon. Feels like -29. Winds light. High -22. Clear in the evening remaining mainly clear overnight. Low -27. Tuesday: Isolated flurries (POP 40%). Feels like -19. High -11. Cloudy periods overnight. Low -13.


Sunny into the afternoon. Feels like -32. Winds light. High -23. Clear overnight. Low -29.

Tuesday: Sunny with cloudy periods. Feels like -21. High -12. Variable cloudiness overnight. Low -13.


Sunny into the afternoon. Feels like -28. Winds light. High -23. Mainly clear with cloudy periods in the evening remaining mainly clear with cloudy periods overnight. Low -26. Tuesday: Isolated flurries (POP 40%). Feels like -15. High -8. Cloudy periods overnight. Low -10.

Swift Current

Mainly sunny with cloudy periods into the afternoon. Feels like -27. High -20. Mainly clear with cloudy periods in the evening remaining mainly clear with cloudy periods overnight. Low -22. Tuesday: Isolated flurries. Feels like -14. High -7. Low -8.

Prince Albert

Sunny into the afternoon. Feels like -31. Winds light. High -24. Clear overnight. Low -30.

Tuesday: Isolated flurries (POP 40%). Feels like -20. High -12. Cloudy periods overnight. Low -14.


Sunny into the afternoon. Feels like -31. Winds northweste­rly 17 km/h becoming light. High -22. Clear overnight. Low -28. Tuesday: Sunny with cloudy periods. Feels like -26. High -16. Variable cloudiness overnight. Low -18.

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