Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Big finish for campaign


All we can say is a big thank you.

Champs of all ages, background­s and circumstan­ces gave from the heart this Christmas season, donating money to Sporting Christmas, which we turned over to the Salvation Army for its hamper program.

Thousands of people were fed; kids had presents to open; memories were created which still spark smiles today, and will for a long time to come.

We always do one final Sporting Christmas update in the New Year, noting the donations that have continued to flow in. We’re glad to report that we’ve raised $86,511.96, which tops last year’s total. Our alltime tally, dating back to 1976, is now $1,984,699.09. We fully expect to hit the $2 million mark shortly after launching our next Sporting Christmas campaign this coming November.

Every dollar we’ve raised, right from Day 1, has been given to the Salvation Army, which then puts it to very good use.

We receive an anonymous donation every season matching the year — in this case, $2,019 — with this notation: Remember and otherwise pray for Brother Neil, Father Eldon, Cousin Ray, Uncle Lester and Aunty Mildred.

To that donor: Thank you for coming to our assistance each year.

The 34th annual World Crokinole Championsh­ip was again held in Saskatoon, like it is every year, with a steady group of longtime pals. And, as always, they took up a collection at the end while noting the following winners:

“First: David Blackburn and Paul Rogal

“Second: Dean Newton and Tom Sargeant

“Stress Tolerance Award: Every contestant’s pant-waist after pizza overload.”

Thanks to some good sports in our midst: The Wildwood Golf Course Men’s Section, the 50-plus hockey Wings, the Grass Stains — winners of the PFL fantasy football league — and Rylan Kleiter’s fantastic curling team, which recently won another provincial junior crown. “Pay it forward,” they note.

Thank you to every donor whose gift is listed below, and to those they remember.

And a personal thanks to two hard-working people at The Starphoeni­x who quietly keep this Sporting Christmas train chugging down the track, logging donations and taking care of so many things both big and little: Anita Milne, who handles the money and takes care of the paperwork, and Mukti Patel at our front counter.

It’s been another great Sporting Christmas season, and here’s to what we hope will be a fruitful and happy 2019.


■ Wildwood Golf Course Men’s

Section: $100

■ Memory of Troy Legge: $80

■ Memory of John Loraas, Keith

Briant, Garry Viden — Good Guys!: $150

■ 34th Annual World Crokinole

Championsh­ip: $1,000

■ Remember and otherwise pray for Brother Neil, Father Eldon, Cousin Ray, Uncle Lester and Aunty Mildred. Please: $2,019

■ Wings from 50-Plus Hockey:


■ Veronica Trost: $200

■ Gail Byrnes: $50

■ Atlas Industries: $1,010 ■ Loving memory of Gib Balkwill; an avid sportsman, he would have been 88 this Christmas Day — from his family: $88

■ Loving memory of Jordan Chartier, who is loved and missed every day, from Lindsay, Darren, Colin and Connor Berglof: $60

■ Margaret Byers: $100

■ Memory of Jack Morrell, Jack

Drummond and Don Moser from Wendy Cebryk: $200

■ Forever grateful for nine healthy grandchild­ren and soon-too-be great grandchild, from Sandra Goodwin: $100

■ Memory of Connor’s friend Carson Sawatsky, from Dan and Joan Hogan: $100

■ Memory of Earl Pederson, Dean

Dickson, Wayne Dyck and Joe Gallagher — four friends, teachers and coaches that will be missed always: $100

■ Memory of Peter Clark: $100

■ Memory of our dads — Mac Savage Sr. and Norman Thoen, from Bob and Sandra Savage: $200

■ Anonymous: $300

■ Memory of Lorne Stephens, a great husband, dad and grandpa, from Nowayme Stephens: $250

■ Skilnick Consulting: $100

■ Memory of Bill Thon, coach and colleague, from Doug Abrosimoff: $100

■ PFL Fantasy Football Champs —

Grass Stains: $250

■ Team Rylan Kleiter — Pay it forward!: $100

Today’s Total: $6,997

FINAL TOTAL: $86,511.96

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