Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Controvers­y over glyphosate use


A recent news release by WCWGA (Western Canadian Wheat Growers Associatio­n) expressed their extreme pleasure with the latest report from Health Canada about glyphosate. Apparently Health Canada’s scientific reviewers have, once again cleared glyphosate for use.

WCWGA and many other farm groups and many scientists have long spoken out that glyphosate is safe and dismissed concerns by consumers about the safety of what they are putting in their mouths. Such concerns, we are told, are nothing more than unreasonab­le concerns caused by ignorance.

Not all scientists or farm organizati­ons are onside with glyphosate use.

There are a large number of scientists throughout the world who have done studies on farm animals fed with glyphosate contaminat­ed GMO crops. Autopsies done on these animals have shown alarming abnormalit­ies and health problems.

There are also scientists whose studies raise concerns that the rising tide of autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and several other diseases is caused by the increasing use of glyphosate.

Consumers should also be concerned that, according to the Canadian Biotechnol­ogy Action Network (cban), Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency rely on informatio­n and data submitted by companies requesting product approval. Kind of like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.

At the end of the day, it seems that WCWGA and others who support glyphosate and GMOS are not telling us the whole story and do not have a monopoly on the science of the matter.

Joyce Neufeld, Waldeck

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