Saskatoon StarPhoenix

You don’t have to be at wit’s end

Author offers tips on keeping that sharp-tongued banter alive


Wit — it’s not just for dinner party banter anymore. In his new book, Wit’s End, journalist James Geary argues that wit is a necessary quality of mind for navigating our complicate­d world.

“Wit is essential to making jokes and making quips, but it’s also essential to all kinds of creativity,” Geary says.

One of the keys to wit, he says, is finding connection­s between seemingly disparate or even contradict­ory ideas. “Wit involves being alert to how things can be interrelat­ed.”

Geary says being witty is within anyone’s grasp. Here are some of Geary’s tips for sharpening your tongue — and your mind.


Our brains are so good at correctly interpreti­ng common phrases, it happens automatica­lly without us noticing. But if you listen closely, you’ll find that language is often very vague. Exploit ambiguity for situationa­l comedy: Next time someone struggling with a large box asks for a hand, respond by clapping. “I try not to do that one too often, because it annoys people,” Geary says.


Puns are a great way to train your mind to make unlikely connection­s, Geary says. Try getting a few friends together and then take turns making puns around a particular category. For instance, if you start with “animals,” you might say, “Let me otter here” or “I’m a little horse.” The jokes don’t have to be good, but they have to come quickly. If you hesitate, you’re out. “Practising puns has a lasting effect because it trains your brain to be staying alert to these kind of hidden correspond­ences — in words, but also in life,” Geary says.


A key to being witty is to let your mind play and to free-associate without judgment, Geary says. For example, when Abraham Lincoln got a letter asking him to suspend the sentence of a man who was about to be hanged, the 19th-century U.S. president famously quipped, “If I don’t suspend it tonight, the man will surely be suspended tomorrow.” To make this joke, Lincoln had to let his mind wander to a different meaning of suspend, even though it was seemingly irrelevant to the matter at hand. “It’s important not to be critical at the beginning because that’s how the ideas arise,” Geary says.


Silly wordplay abounds in all kinds of classic literature. William Shakespear­e’s plays are full of puns and James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake is “a 600-plus-page novel made up almost entirely of macaronic (mixed-language) puns,” Geary notes. So if your family complains about all your terrible new jokes, simply explain that you’re working your way up to writing the great American novel.

 ?? MACIEK NABRDALIK ?? James Geary, author of Wit’s End, likes to juggle balls — as well as ideas.
MACIEK NABRDALIK James Geary, author of Wit’s End, likes to juggle balls — as well as ideas.

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