Saskatoon StarPhoenix

In search of wholesome movies


This column was originally published in 2014.

Dear Annie: I’m livid. My 14-yearold daughter and her friends want to see a certain PG-13 movie on Saturday. But after I read the reviews, I will not allow her to go.

Why does the film industry produce movies with words and scenes that are such filth?

We want movies for our children that have decent content and tell stories that have values and drama without us parents always having to worry that what will be said or shown is contrary to what we want our children exposed to. Can’t some great producer or film school graduate figure that out?

They would be surprised to know how many parents no longer allow their kids to go to the movies, and that means no money in their pockets.

Please, let’s protect their innocence as long as possible before they have to see the world’s ugliness passed off as entertainm­ent. Mom

Dear Mom: If all kids truly stayed away from PG-13 movies that contained too much violence, sex and foul language, change would come.

Unfortunat­ely, that’s not what happens.

Your daughter and her friends might stay home, but most kids don’t.

We, too, wish Hollywood would stop pandering to our most basic instincts, but as long as the money keeps coming in, that’s what is going to be out there.

The only movies guaranteed not to have such material are those rated G and PG.

Beyond that, parents have to read reviews and use their best judgment.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column.

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