Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Stranger danger has French connection in straight-up psychodram­a Greta


The latest from director Neil Jordan (Breakfast on Pluto, Michael Collins) comes with a simple, almost charmingly old-school lesson for New Yorkers: Beware of French women on the subway!

Frances (Chloë Grace Moretz) finds that out the hard way when she comes across an abandoned handbag on the Seventh Avenue Local. Most people would fear an explosive device and move away, but Frances impulsivel­y picks it up and, finding the lost and found closed, checks the ID and delivers it to its owner. This lapse in judgment is explained by the fact that the waitress is from a “small town” called Boston, which I can only assume is some sort of cruel New York joke.

Her roommate Erica (Maika Monroe) tells her she’s a fool for returning the purse, money and all. And you ignore Monroe at your own risk — she got her break in 2014, when she appeared in the excellent indie horror It Follows and the stranger-danger thriller The Guest. The woman knows peril.

The purse’s owner turns out to be a lonely Parisienne expat named Greta, played by the always-game Isabelle Huppert. Frances, whose mother recently died, accompanie­s Greta on a dog-adoption excursion and generally bonds with the kindly old woman. Trouble starts when she learns she’s not the first innocent to find a “lost” purse, and Erica notes, wisely if awkwardly: “The crazier they are, the harder they cling.” Greta’s a cling-on.

Jordan co-wrote the screenplay with Ray Wright, who seems to have a knack for these kinds of relationsh­ip thrillers: See The Crazies, Case 39 and the TV movie Fatal Desire. But there isn’t enough twist in the plot to really keep us hooked.

Once the cat’s out of the (hand) bag, it becomes a fairly straightup psychodram­a, neither bad enough to qualify as a guilty pleasure, nor good enough to be truly memorable.

Jordan gets a few important things right. Too often in these types of movies, the police are nowhere to be found. In Greta, Frances goes to the cops twice, but is told that a restrainin­g order or other legal remedy will take time and money that she doesn’t have. Probably true: At this point all Greta has been is a nuisance.

On the other hand, the movie was filmed mostly in Dublin and Toronto, which means that in that crucial opening scene, we see Frances board a train at 66th Street, which is really just Toronto’s Lower Bay with some new signage tacked on the walls. Cut to her exiting at Canal Street, which in real life looks quite different but is here played by the same station with new signs pasted over the old ones. It’s an insult to the TTC, the MTA, and any crazed stalkers who would use the subway as a hunting ground.

 ?? FOCUS FEATURES ?? Chloë Grace Moretz stars in the entertaini­ng but unmemorabl­e Greta, about an older woman, portrayed by Isabelle Huppert, who becomes fixated on a younger Good Samaritan.
FOCUS FEATURES Chloë Grace Moretz stars in the entertaini­ng but unmemorabl­e Greta, about an older woman, portrayed by Isabelle Huppert, who becomes fixated on a younger Good Samaritan.

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