Saskatoon StarPhoenix

U.S.’S anti-huawei campaign likely exaggerate­d: experts

U.S. case short on specifics, glosses over fact global networks already have holes


Since last year, the U.S. has waged a vigorous diplomatic offensive against the Chinese telecommun­ications giant Huawei, claiming that any nation deploying its gear in next-generation wireless networks is giving Beijing a conduit for espionage or worse.

But security experts say the U.S. government is likely exaggerati­ng that threat. Not only is the U.S. case short on specifics, they say, it glosses over the fact that the Chinese don’t need secret access to Huawei routers to infiltrate global networks that already have notoriousl­y poor security.

State-sponsored hackers have shown no preference for one manufactur­er’s technology over another, these experts say. Kremlin-backed hackers, for instance, exploit internet routers and other networking equipment made by firms that are not Russian.

If the Chinese want to disrupt global networks, “they will do so regardless of the type of equipment you are using,” said Jan-peter Kleinhans, a researcher at the Berlin think-tank Neue Verantwort­ung Stiftung.

One of the most common U.S. fears — that Huawei might install software “backdoors” in its equipment that Chinese intelligen­ce could use to tap into, eavesdrop on or interrupt data transmissi­ons — strikes some experts as highly unlikely.

Priscilla Moriuchi, who retired from the National Security Agency in 2017 after running its Far East operations, does not believe the Huawei threat is overblown. But she called the odds of the company installing backdoors on behalf of Chinese intelligen­ce “almost zero because of the chance that it would be discovered,” thus exposing Huawei’s complicity.

Moriuchi, now an analyst at the U.S. cybersecur­ity firm Recorded Future, said she was not aware of the NSA ever finding Huawei backdoors created for Chinese intelligen­ce but also cautioned that it can be extraordin­arily difficult, when backdoors are found, to determine who is behind them.

European allies have been reluctant to embrace a blanket anti-huawei ban even as U.S. officials continue to cast the world’s No. 1 telecom-equipment maker as little more than an untrustwor­thy surrogate for Beijing’s intelligen­ce services.

The top U.S. diplomat for cybersecur­ity policy, Robert Strayer, says Huawei is obliged to heed Chinese Communist Party orders by a 2017 intelligen­ce law that “compels their citizens and their companies to participat­e in intelligen­ce activities.”

Strayer provided no specifics when pressed by reporters Tuesday as to how Huawei gear might pose more of a security threat than other manufactur­ers’ switches, routers and wireless base stations. The diplomat spoke at Mobile World Congress, the world’s largest wireless trade show, in Barcelona, Spain.

The American rhetoric has included threats. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggested in a TV interview last week any use of Huawei equipment could jeopardize U.S. intelligen­ce sharing and might even be a reason to relocate military bases. A spokeswoma­n for the U.S. National Security Council declined to comment or to provide any officials to address specifics. A State Department spokesman referred The Associated Press to a press statement on Strayer’s remarks in Barcelona.

Huawei, founded in 1987 by a former military engineer, overtook Sweden’s LM Ericsson in 2017 as the lead company in the market for wireless and internet switching gear. U.S. companies are not serious competitor­s in this market, having pulled back over the years. Huawei’s major rivals are European — Ericsson and Finland’s Nokia.

The U.S. has provided no evidence of China planting espionage backdoors in Huawei equipment despite a 2012 congressio­nal report that led the U.S. government and top domestic wireless carriers to ban it and other Chinese manufactur­ers from their networks.

“The backdrop for this is essentiall­y the rise of China as a tech power in a variety of domains” said Paul Triolo, tech lead at the Eurasia Group risk analysis consultanc­y. Now, he said, “there is a big campaign to paint Huawei as an irresponsi­ble actor.”

In January, U.S. prosecutor­s filed criminal charges against Huawei and one of its top executives, alleging the company stole trade secrets and lied to banks about embargo-busting company dealings with Iran. Canada earlier arrested that Huawei executive — who is also the daughter of the company’s founder — at U.S. behest; she is currently awaiting extraditio­n to the U.S.

Huawei has denied wrongdoing. On Thursday it pleaded not guilty to charges that it stole trade secrets from T-mobile.

One irony of the situation is that the U.S. has actually done what it accuses Huawei of doing.

According to top-secret documents released in 2013 by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, the U.S. planted surveillan­ce beacons in network devices and shipped them around the world.

The affected equipment included devices from Cisco Systems, a Silicon Valley company whose routers were blackliste­d by Chinese authoritie­s after the Snowden revelation­s.

Washington’s closest ally has taken a different approach to any potential threats from Huawei. Britain’s National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) long ago placed multiple restrictio­ns on Huawei equipment, including disallowin­g it in any sensitive networks, agency director Ciaran Martin noted in a speech last week.

In its annual review of Huawei’s engineerin­g practices published in July, the NCSC found “shortcomin­gs” that “exposed new risks in the U.K. telecommun­ication networks.” But none were deemed of medium or high priority.

Martin called the problems manageable and not reflective of Chinese hostility — though experts say it’s often difficult to tell if vulnerabil­ities are simply coding defects or intentiona­l.

“With 5G, some equipment needs to be more trustworth­y than ever. But probably not all,” NCSC technical director Ian Levy wrote in a blog.

Like the British, German officials have indicated they’ll reject a blanket Huawei 5G ban.

In December, the head of Germany’s cyber-risk agency, Arne Schoenbohm, said “for such serious decisions as a ban, you need evidence.”

Last week, the nation’s Interior Ministry told The Associated Press “the direct exclusion of a particular manufactur­er from the 5G expansion is at the time not legally possible.”

 ?? MARK SCHIEFELBE­IN/AP FILES ?? Some experts say it’s unlikely that Huawei might install software “backdoors” that Beijing could use for spying.
MARK SCHIEFELBE­IN/AP FILES Some experts say it’s unlikely that Huawei might install software “backdoors” that Beijing could use for spying.

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