Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Explanatio­n for killing Cornwall school is weak

- MURRAY MANDRYK Mandryk is the political columnist for the Regina Leader-post.

All Saskatchew­an government­s have to occasional­ly make unpleasant (though sometimes necessary) budget cuts.

Consider the similariti­es in the austerity NDP government budgets of 1992 and 1993 and Saskatchew­an Party budget of 2017. While the former were noted for cuts like 52 rural hospitals and the Plains Health Centre, the latter shuttered the Saskatchew­an Transporta­tion Company in the Sask. Party budget. And these budgets shared hikes in the provincial sales tax.

One might be a tad unkind and add that all of these austerity budgets were the net result of overspendi­ng by conservati­ve government­s, so perhaps Premier Scott Moe and his party need to go easy on their new theme of: “We build, they close. We open, they shut down.”

If anything, one of the Sask. Party government’s big problems has been its penchant for gratuitous cuts carried out with little thought of the outcome. The Saskatchew­an Film Employment Tax Credit (FETC) in 2012 and the Northern Teaching Education Program NORTEP in 2017 are among the best examples of such supposed non-austerity-driven cuts. Now, we may have another to add to the list. After sailing through much of its 2019-20 Saskatchew­an budget presentati­on relatively unscathed, the Sask. Party government is now struggling to account for axing the award-winning Cornwall Alternativ­e School in Regina.

Education Minister Gord Wyant denied this was about austerity, explaining his ministry recommende­d the move based on the inability of Grade 10 Cornwall students to adjust back into the mainstream school system in Grade 11. This is “in the best interests of the kids”, Wyant told reporters Monday.

But is it better? Really? While there undoubtedl­y have been Cornwall kids who failed to adjust back to mainstream school during its 47-year-history, the outpouring of testimonia­ls during Monday’s protests over its closure suggests there are reasons why Cornwall won national awards. Seriously, if it’s not about the money and the only issue is Grade 11 adjustment, why are they not expanding Cornwall to grades 11 and 12?

Remember: This has always been a school of last resort that took kids failing elementary grades to within spitting distance of being able to complete their GED. To attempt to integrate all of them back into regular classrooms will be miserable for them … and miserable for the teachers and other kids in the classrooms in which Cornwall kids will be placed.

Wyant disagreed, even at one point suggesting this could be an enhancemen­t. He later walked back that comment and said financial resources ($900,000) will be available for Cornwall kids to transition back into either the Catholic or public systems.

The education minister also cited success after the closure of the Radius Community School in Saskatoon, which was closed in 2009 because it only had three to five students. Cornwall has 40 kids. Furthermor­e, the public boards have waiting lists to get kids into this school.

Cornwall’s emphasis on teaching traditiona­l cultural practices, teaching life skills and providing breakfast made it different. And at a time when government­s are trying to implement Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission recommenda­tions and the wishes of former Sixties Scoop children, killing Cornwall seems particular­ly tone deaf.

More baffling is that the government had already approved long-term funding for Cornwall in 2017 to 2020. Evidently, the notion that kids were failing to integrate is a new-found one. Is it little wonder Cornwall’s closure caught so many off guard?

It’s hard not be suspicious that other issues were in play. And one other issue that certainly seemed in play in last week’s budget was a substantia­l $879,000 operating grant increase to independen­t (largely religious) schools and historical high schools to $10.5 million — seemingly, due to the same strong enrolment we saw at Cornwall.

In a perverse irony, that’s similar to Cornwall’s $893,000 operating budget — $761,000 of which comes from the province. Traditiona­lly conservati­ve voting parents will be happy. But what of Cornwall kids with little support?

With no real savings based on austerity and no solid reasons pointing to how the kids will be better off, Wyant and his Sask. Party government owe us a much better explanatio­n.

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