Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Liberals hit rock bottom — if possible

- CHRIS SELLEY cselley@nationalpo­

In recent weeks, former deputy prime minister Sheila Copps’ Twitter account has operated as a sort of museum of partisan excess. On Monday evening, hours after Manitoba Chief Justice Glenn D. Joyal got dragged into the mess for no good reason — pending further excavation­s — she finally hit rock bottom.

Joyal is a highly respected jurist who had been shortliste­d by a non-partisan committee for appointmen­t to the Supreme Court. But in Copps’ telling he is “homophonic (sic), anti-abortion (and) anti-charter” — and former justice minister Jody Wilson-raybould, for some crazy reason, wanted to make him chief justice.

To the extent that’s based on anything, it’s on accounts by anonymous sources to CTV News and Canadian Press alleging Wilson-raybould and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau very much disagreed on the appointmen­t.

Well, I say “alleging.” It’s not actually controvers­ial: No one disputes the appointmen­t was ultimately the PM’S to make, or that the justice minister was allowed to have her opinions. No, this is just sort of an FYI leak. People thought we should know that Wilson-raybould supported a Supreme Court candidate whom Trudeau worried (per CTV correspond­ent Glen Mcgregor) “wasn’t committed to protecting rights that have flown out of interpreta­tion of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, particular­ly LGBTQ2 rights and even abortion access.”

“Well-placed sources say the former justice minister’s choice for chief justice was a moment of ‘significan­t disagreeme­nt’ with Trudeau, who has touted the Liberals as ‘the party of the Charter’,” Joan Bryden reported for CP. “Internal discussion­s about a Supreme Court appointmen­t … are typically considered highly confidenti­al,” Bryden added. But, you know, Anonymous Sources just thought we should know Trudeau had done his research, and had come across a speech Joyal gave to the Canadian Constituti­on Foundation in 2017.

In that speech, he soberly explains his entirely mainstream concerns that Canadian courts have over the years progressiv­ely asserted a policy-making dominance over the legislatur­es that the Charter’s framers had never intended, and with some deleteriou­s effects to the country’s “political culture.” Perhaps Trudeau might also have come across Joyal’s 1993 Master’s thesis from the University of Manitoba, in which he makes similar arguments and analyzes R vs. Morgentale­r, among other cases.

“Irrespecti­ve of one’s position on the excessivel­y difficult substantiv­e issue, abortion like capital punishment was undeniably one of the two subjects mentioned in the discussion before the Parliament­ary committee about which it was assured that such substantiv­e outcomes would be left to Parliament,” he wrote in his thesis. If stakeholde­rs had known what Charter cases would look like in 35 years, in other words, we might not even have the Charter.

Joyal doesn’t ever seem to have articulate­d a personal position on abortion. I can’t find a word he’s said about same-sex marriage in any context. To imply such a person is unfit for the bench is outrageous. To impute from his analysis of R v. Morgentale­r that he’s anti-abortion and homophobic is almost parodic demagogy. It makes “Why do you hate the troops?” look like something out of Plato’s Republic. As for “anti-charter”: “Put simply,” Joyal told the CCF, “as a foundation­al part of Canada’s constituti­onal architectu­re, the Charter deserves our respect and demands our compliance.”

This is all a brand new low for the Anonymous Sources. But it’s entirely typically Liberal thinking, as well: “Joyal has concerns about judicial overreach. Therefore he is a conservati­ve. Conservati­ves hate abortion and gay people. Ergo Joyal applied to sit on the Supreme Court in hopes of repealing R vs. Morgentale­r and the samesex marriage reference and goodness only knows what else. QED.

“So obvious and appalling is this, furthermor­e, that we must suspect Jody Wilson-raybould of holding similar hidden aspiration­s — or at the very least of woeful incompeten­ce.”

After 10 years of Stephen Harper doing nothing on abortion, and with Andrew Scheer understand­ably pledging to continue doing nothing, many Canadians seem to truly believe that Margaret Atwood’s Gilead is but one misplaced ballot and one moderately conservati­ve judge away. Three-quarters of Canadians now think it’s “great that … two people of the same sex can get married,” according to a 2017 CROP poll — up from just 41 per cent 20 years earlier. No one is challengin­g same-sex marriage in court. No prominent Conservati­ve politician has made a peep about it in at least a decade. But the Anonymous Sources want us to believe the Chief Justice of Manitoba poses a mortal threat to marriage equality.

Incidental­ly, one of the deleteriou­s effects of Canadians becoming so used to “judicial adjudicati­on of political and social issues,” Joyal argued in his CCF speech, is that there is “less room for long-term legislativ­e results and solutions premised upon the tools of negotiatio­n, persuasion, bargaining and compromise.” Whatever the disease, the symptoms are acute. Ideally, the utter shabbiness of the Liberals’ behaviour since the Lavalin story broke might help wake us from this never-ending paranoid fever dream that passes for election-year politics.

 ?? KEVIN KING / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? Manitoba’s chief justice, Glenn Joyal, is the latest name to get dragged by a Liberal through the social media mud.
KEVIN KING / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES Manitoba’s chief justice, Glenn Joyal, is the latest name to get dragged by a Liberal through the social media mud.
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