Saskatoon StarPhoenix

High times, low return

Puffed-up Mcconaughe­y stumbles his way through cliché-filled flick


Writer-director-provocateu­r Harmony Korine has a history of making movies about men and women (Spring Breakers), children (Gummo) and even seniors (Trash Humpers) behaving badly. His latest, spelled out in puffy letters that suggest a movie with too much hot air in it, is The Beach Bum, about a stoner named Moondog, who alternates between bouts of openly bad behaviour and mere stupidity. I guess that’s progress.

Matthew Mcconaughe­y heads up the cast, regressing to the kind of shirtless layabouts he used to play 10 years ago — remember Fool’s Gold, Failure to Launch and Surfer, Dude? As Moondog, he lives in a perpetual haze of alcohol-and-pot-fuelled inebriatio­n, giggling at something only he finds funny.

Moondog used to be a famous writer, but he hasn’t produced anything in a while, and the one poem of his we hear (twice!) is titled Beautiful Poem and is described by its author as “great poetry.” It’s neither. It’s navel-gazing, except lower.

The character is married to an insanely rich and attractive younger woman named Minnie (Isla Fisher), because when you’ve got everything, what you really need is to rope yourself

to a barely functionin­g addict whose idea of a joke is to insult your daughter’s fiancé at the wedding. “He may be a jerk but he’s a great man,” says his oblivious offspring (Stefania Lavie Owen).

Moondog has to face change midway through the movie, when Minnie demands that he dry out and publish. He half-heartedly tries to Kerouac out a novel on a rickety typewriter that somehow pops up in every scene in which it’s required, but you can tell his heart isn’t in it, and his brain doesn’t have it.

The movie is nice to look at, all soft focus and damp pavements. Korine also does a cool editing trick that makes characters appear to jump around in mid-sentence, a technique that would be a lot more fun if they had anything interestin­g to say. And the soundtrack is so well stocked with several decades of oldies — Eddie Money, the Cure, Peggy Lee, Jimmy Buffett, Gordon Lightfoot, etc. — that there’s seldom time for even a single verse before we switch tracks.

There are also some interestin­g secondary characters, although most are gone too soon. Zac Efron plays Flicker, a fellow addict with the facial hair of a man who just lost a fight with a panini press; Snoop Dogg sleeps with Moondog’s wife and sells him weed, which I guess makes him a full-service dealer; and Martin Lawrence pops up in a bizarre cameo as a dolphin-obsessed boat captain.

But Moondog is a caricature and a jerk, not to mention a cliché — we’re barely 10 minutes into the movie when he happens upon a guy playing a tuba on a pier, and you know he’s going to kick the musician off before he does, because of course he will. Korine seems to have carelessly crafted this character, dropped him at random into the script and just let him mindlessly churn through what passes for a story.

I kept waiting for some sign of authorial vision from the director, or maybe a twist. Given that Moondog imbibes enough chemicals to kill an average man, and spends much of the movie wandering around Key West, fishing and finding stray cats, I half expected he would wake up to discover he’d been trapped in some kind of video game.

No such luck. The Beach Bum is middle-aged wish fulfilment, plain and simple.

 ?? NEON ?? Actor Matthew Mcconaughe­y harkens back to his shirtless layabout characters of the past in Harmony Korine’s The Beach Bum.
NEON Actor Matthew Mcconaughe­y harkens back to his shirtless layabout characters of the past in Harmony Korine’s The Beach Bum.

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