Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Focus on investing in the future


It must be exhausting and stressful to be filled with so much political hate, almost as tiring as it is for me to read and listen to it.

Instead of stoking a “fire” here in Saskatchew­an and filling people’s heads with the absurd idea of “Wexit”

(if you think a carbon tax is expensive, just image how expensive establishi­ng a new republic would be), I would really appreciate the political leadership at all levels of government to unite behind a real crisis — climate change and environmen­tal damage to land, air, water and life itself.

Whether you believe or deny that humans are contributi­ng to factors that are changing the climate of Earth, there is no denying that severe weather, flooding, drought, wildfires, etc. are on the rise, and overwhelmi­ng pollution is contaminat­ing pretty much every inch of the planet.

There is no time left to waste on unproducti­ve political and personal attacks when the signs are all around us, and we should be working together to improve our situation and find solutions.

Let’s all become Canadian patriots and put all our energy behind the science and technology experts creating the paths towards clean energy, less waste and pollution and ways to fix what we’ve already messed up.

Let’s encourage government and businesses to invest in education, research, infrastruc­ture and industries to support the solutions that will create jobs across the country.

High hopes and optimism can lead us forward, along with productive action.

Vicki Strelioff, Saskatoon

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