Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Social phobia is a real thing for some students


Grade 9 students in the Collective Voice program at Aden Bowman Collegiate share their lives and opinions through columns. Selected columns run on Mondays in The Saskatoon Starphoeni­x.

Being around people terrifies me to the very bone.

I can’t keep track of how many panic attacks I have every day because I begin to lose count after five. For the longest time I couldn’t understand why interactin­g with other people scared me, and why I became numb or wanted to cry every time I went in public. I soon found my answer: I have social phobia.

Social phobia, also known as social anxiety, is a paralyzing fear of interactin­g with others. To me, it’s an extreme fear of being embarrasse­d, judged, called out, or even thought of by others. The few people I have brought this up with in my life tend to be confused, since I have just started my Grade 9 year where I have to interact with so many people daily.

When I have good days, I usually am able to muster up enough strength and courage to try my best at living a normal teen life.

A study done in October 2018 surveyed 1,500 Canadians and found 41 per cent identified as struggling with anxiety. Social anxiety affects more people than we think.

When I started my Grade 9 year, as you might have already guessed, I was very sad and scared of leaving my old elementary school. High school just seemed so terrifying. Walking through those doors was the bravest thing I have ever done and might possibly ever do.

Throughout the whole day I was trying so hard not to show that I was scared and weak, since I have always hated people knowing I was afraid of them. My heart rate was erratic and my breathing sped up constantly. I couldn’t stop shaking; I was sweating profusely, worrying, and ultimately on the verge of tears every second of that day.

I tend to overthink, which can cause me to picture every possible way my Grade 9 year could go wrong. I was continuous­ly thinking, “What if I don’t make friends? What if I fall behind in class? What if I trip and fall in a busy hallway? What if my voice cracks during attendance?”

I had to hold all that in, but when I got home I broke down and started to cry. I hid away in my room and cried because the thought that my social anxiety made me awkward had consumed my mind.

If you are looking to be diagnosed, make sure it is by a certified specialist who will most likely be recommende­d to you by your family doctor. I wouldn’t say self-diagnosing is super bad, but you can’t go around telling people you have something without consulting a specialist first, because that makes what you say a possible lie and you could actually have something else you weren’t aware of.

What happens in a person’s head and what they try to explain do not always end up being the same thing. It’s always hard for me to explain what I’m feeling during every panicking moment. That’s why some people think others are faking it for attention, but honestly we just want someone to listen; we aren’t doing it for anything else.

I know high school won’t change, but it will hopefully get easier as I learn more and more about social anxiety and how I can deal with it.

All I know going forward is that I should be focused on only one thing at a time, try to keep my stress levels down and never forget to cherish all the time I have with my friends and family, no matter how scary.

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