Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Welfare change will boost homelessne­ss: landlords

Survey finds many fear recipients of social assistance won’t pay rent


A survey of Saskatchew­an landlords indicates the overwhelmi­ng majority think the government’s new welfare model will increase rates of eviction and homelessne­ss.

The online survey conducted by the Saskatchew­an Landlord Associatio­n and the Saskatoon Housing Initiative­s Partnershi­p (SHIP) got 118 respondent­s, 93 per cent of whom said they believe the

Saskatchew­an Income Assistance (SIS) program is or will result in tenants defaulting on their rent.

“I knew most case workers were opposed, but to see that result from landlords as well is really significan­t,” SHIP housing relationsh­ip manager Thomas Miller said. “I expected a majority, but to see it that high means this is really worrying people.”

Responses came from 31 communitie­s across the province ranging from as small as Guernsey to as big as Saskatoon over a period of two weeks in November. Some respondent­s manage more than 1,000 units, although 55 per cent of them operate fewer than 10.

Their uniting trait was opposition to the welfare program, which only four per cent supported (three per cent were undecided).

The SIS was introduced this summer and will gradually replace two existing income assistance programs in the province, with a complete transition slated for 2021.

Under SIS, housing and utility payments are no longer directly paid to the housing provider.

The ministry has billed this as part of the program’s greater mission of making recipients more autonomous. However, non-profits and housing providers say the most vulnerable recipients, like people who use drugs or those with mental health challenges, may default on their rent and utility payments under the new program.

Miller said the policy needs to be more flexible.

“We don’t want to figure out a solution for the majority. We want to figure out a solution for the individual. Because if you’re just going to make a solution for the majority, there are going to be hundreds or thousands of people hung out to dry,” Miller said.

Thirty-one per cent of survey respondent­s say they’ve already had a “direct negative experience” with SIS beneficiar­ies.

The program is growing as new welfare recipients register or as existing ones transfer to it. In August, 900 households were receiving SIS benefits; currently there are more than 3,300.

Cameron Choquette, CEO of the landlord associatio­n, said his members are proud to rent to people on social assistance, but want the guarantee of a direct deposit.

He worries the current model will discourage landlords from renting to welfare recipients because they fear clients may default. He wants to see the program modified to accommodat­e its most vulnerable clients.

“We’re supportive of the ultimate goal of the new program, but we strongly believe people who need more support should be given it,” Choquette said.

The survey’s designers met with Social Services Minister Paul Merriman on Dec. 13.

Ministry spokesman Andrew Dinsmore wrote in a statement to Postmedia that the meeting was “productive” and the participan­ts would speak again in the new year while the ministry reviews the survey results.

SHIP board chair Toby Esterby said he was optimistic concerns were being heard and believes collaborat­ion with the province is crucial, particular­ly as temperatur­es fall.

“The family that is looking at potentiall­y not having anywhere to sleep tonight doesn’t care about the politics of the conversati­on,” Esterby said. “They only care about whether they’re warm tonight.”

 ??  ?? Cameron Choquette
Cameron Choquette

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