Saskatoon StarPhoenix



North Korea appears to be laying the groundwork for the launch of a satellite, with state media reporting on other nations’ space projects.

South Korea is monitoring activities at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station out of concern that the launch of a rocket will be the “Christmas gift” promised by Kim Jong Un.

The United Nations has banned North Korea from launching satellites.

White House national security adviser Robert O’brien said on Sunday the United States would be very disappoint­ed if North Korea tested a long-range or nuclear missile and would take appropriat­e action as a leading military and economic power. Washington has many “tools in its tool kit” to respond to any such test, O’brien said in an interview with ABC’S This Week. “We’ll reserve judgment but the United States will take action as we do in these situations,” he said. “If Kim Jong Un takes that approach we’ll be extraordin­arily disappoint­ed and we’ll demonstrat­e that disappoint­ment.”

North Korea has asked Washington to offer a new initiative to iron out difference­s over Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons program. It warned Washington this month that failure to meet its expectatio­ns could result in the “Christmas gift.”

O’brien said the U.S. and North Korea had open channels of communicat­ion but did not elaborate.

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