Saskatoon StarPhoenix



The defining issue of the week for the Conservati­ve leadership candidates was the blockades that continue to grind parts of Canada’s rail network to a standstill.

While the government scrambles to address the issue, and the opposition parties try to hold Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to account, it’s a good opportunit­y for the candidates to treat the crisis like a dress rehearsal and explain how they would react in Trudeau’s shoes.

Each week, the National Post will round up the week’s events, point to themes that are emerging, and add other stray notes and observatio­ns. Here is this week’s edition of the Conservati­ve leadership notebook.


The two front-runners had very different weeks: Erin O’toole released a policy proposal, while Peter Mackay had more Twitter troubles.

O’toole said that as prime minister he would introduce legislatio­n to designate ports and major railways, highways and bridges as critical national infrastruc­ture and make it a criminal offence to block them, even without a court injunction. He also promised to declare a general policy that police should clear blockades quickly so they don’t grow to the point where “clearing them risks violence.”

The plan from O’toole came as Mackay struggled to articulate his message on the blockades.

On Wednesday night Mackay deleted a tweet from hours earlier supporting counter-protesters in west Edmonton who took down a rail blockade. The tweet, which said Mackay was “glad to see a couple Albertans with a pickup truck can do more for our economy in an afternoon than Justin Trudeau could do in four years,” had been criticized as supporting vigilantis­m.

Mackay replaced it with a series of late-night tweets that took a more nuanced position. It’s the second time his social media operation has misfired, after he disowned a tweet that appeared on his Twitter account criticizin­g Trudeau’s yoga habit.

The internal machinatio­ns of the Mackay campaign have been a source of intrigue and amusement for the other campaigns.

One person working for a rival campaign expressed some sympathy and speculated that it was an issue of too many cooks in the kitchen and mixed messages.

Several people theorized that the campaign got cold feet when the tweet prompted a backlash from pundits and journalist­s on Twitter.


With a week to go before the first deadline for applicants, the race has four official contenders. Mackay, O’toole, Ontario MP Marilyn Gladu and Toronto-lawyer Leslyn Lewis have all ponied up $25,000 and retrieved 1,000 signatures in order to be eligible.

Alberta businessma­n Rick Peterson submitted more than 1,000 signatures, but had some rejected and will be spending the next week shoring up his applicatio­n. Peterson’s campaign said it is 99 per cent sure they will make the deadline.

Former Conservati­ve candidate and ministeria­l adviser Rudy Husny said he submitted his applicatio­n on Thursday and is waiting to hear from the party on its approval. Even if some signatures are ineligible due to lapsed membership­s, Husny said he doesn’t see any issue in meeting the threshold.

The next deadline is where things will get interestin­g. Candidates have to get an additional 1,000 signatures and $125,000 to meet the second threshold, which allows them access to the party’s membership list. Mackay almost immediatel­y reached this point and O’toole made it last Friday.

The membership list contains about 300,000 names, with about half of them being current membership­s and half expired membership­s from the previous campaign. The candidates will be sending out emails every day, requesting donations and encouragin­g people to renew their membership­s.


The Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ves will be holding their party’s convention in Niagara Falls this weekend and the leadership candidates will be swarming all over the place.

O’toole and Mackay hosted hospitalit­y suites on Friday evening and Gladu will host one on Saturday evening. These are key events for the campaigns because it gives them a chance to meet some of the most enthusiast conservati­ves in the country.

“If you’re a member of the Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Party there a very good chance you’re a member of the federal party. It’s a high impact event,” said a strategist from one of the campaigns who was at the convention.

The convention also hosts policy sessions, which can be valuable for the candidates to see what’s on the minds of the membership.

 ?? BLAIR GABLE / REUTERS ?? Conservati­ve leadership hopeful Peter Mackay had Twitter troubles this week.
BLAIR GABLE / REUTERS Conservati­ve leadership hopeful Peter Mackay had Twitter troubles this week.

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