Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Canada needs people with specialist skills in the building business more than ever


Internatio­nal Women’s Day is coming up March 8 and it’s got me thinking about the state of the skilled trades industry. If we want our country to remain competitiv­e when it comes to the trades, we’ve got to make sure we’re encouragin­g anyone with the talent to explore the trades as a viable career, no matter their gender.

I’m lucky that two of my three kids decided to join me in the trades — but not every kid has the advantage of their dad being Mike Holmes. It was the same for me, my dad was a great tradesman, and I wanted to follow his footsteps. I worry that a lot of kids who might have the drive to be a great tradespers­on don’t have the same support and are instead pushed into post-secondary avenues that aren’t a good fit.


Canada is facing a skilled trades shortage. Over the next 10 years, in Ontario alone, we’re looking at about 560,000 vacancies in the field. The skilled trades cast a wide net, and these vacancies can mean anything from our carpenters and our plumbers to our chefs and dental hygienists. The trades touch so much of the world around us — and if we don’t have enough people to fill these vacancies, we’re really going to feel the effects.

The trades are a good living — and believe me, if you love it and work hard, the demand for your skills will be huge. I’ve been doing this for over 30 years, and I still get the same excitement on demo day as I did on Day 1.


This is something that really gets me seeing red. When I hear the trades described as a backup career for kids who “can’t make it” in college, it makes me lose it.

It takes dedication and focus to succeed in the skilled trades. The trades are hard work! And it’s there in the name: skills.

Take plumbers, for example. You’re going to need a wide range of skills to succeed as a plumber. From knowing how to solder to making fittings, you have to know how each material reacts to its environmen­t.

And finally, you have to be precise. It takes a lot of math to do it right. It’s not a job you’re going to learn in a day, and certainly not one you’re going to learn if you’re not passionate about it.

You’re committing to long hours and very physical work. And it’s complicate­d. Sometimes on job sites we’re dealing with multiple trades at once. We need to know how their work affects ours — how does the plumber’s work affect what I need to do as a contractor? This is where skills like communicat­ion and patience come into play.

When you’re managing a job site, sometimes you need to think 10 steps ahead to make sure a project can run smoothly. See why it drives me nuts when people think this is a fallback?


If you think you’re too old to pick up a second (or third) career, you’re not. I hear from people all the time who have come to the trades later in life and are loving it. Last year we brought two new apprentice­s onto our job sites: a young woman in her early 20s, and another in her 40s who’d gone back to school to learn a trade.

Each one brought their own skills and passion to the job site, and it showed in the work we did together.

Now, I don’t love to hear that we’ve got a shortage of tradespeop­le out there — but that means the demand for those of us who still are in the industry is just getting bigger and bigger.

If you’ve thought about the trades for the last few years, you’ve still got time to pick up a hammer, a wrench or a mixer. And if you’re good at what you do and you love the work, you’ve got a spot on my crew anytime.

To find out more about Mike Holmes, visit makeitrigh­

 ?? ALEX SCHULDTZ/THE HOLMES GROUP ?? Sherry Holmes is one of two of Mike’s kids who followed him into trades. Mike says it is important to encourage people to explore the trades as a viable career, no matter their gender.
ALEX SCHULDTZ/THE HOLMES GROUP Sherry Holmes is one of two of Mike’s kids who followed him into trades. Mike says it is important to encourage people to explore the trades as a viable career, no matter their gender.
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