Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Teen was target of racism, bullying, mom tells inquest into his suicide


REGINA Sandra Barker-schmidt remembers her son Kaleab Schmidt as charming, handsome, athletical­ly gifted, highly intelligen­t and with a smile that would light up a room.

He was also struggling with bullying, racism and suicidal thoughts.

On April 30, 2018, Sandra’s world crumbled when Kaleab took his own life on the family farm near Balgonie.

The boy’s suicide is the subject this week and next of a coroner’s inquest, being held in Regina. The inquest is intended to examine the circumstan­ces surroundin­g Kaleab’s death, and it will also allow a six-person jury the opportunit­y to make recommenda­tions with the intention of preventing similar deaths.

During often emotional testimony on Monday, Sandra — the first witness called — said that’s what she hopes comes of this process. When asked by coroner’s counsel Robin Ritter why the inquest is so important to her, she replied, “Justice for Kaleab so this doesn’t happen to another child or another family.”

Sandra told the inquest she and her husband Dean adopted three children in 2011 from an Ethiopian orphanage: Kaleab, then aged seven (although Sandra noted his actual age could, in fact, be two years older) and his younger siblings.

Kaleab blossomed, discoverin­g a love for football and making the honour roll three years straight.

But things weren’t so good for the youth on all fronts. Sandra said her son had problems with some kids at school that began to take a very serious toll.

“He was bullied,” she said. “He was called the N-word.”

She recounted three separate times Kaleab came home from school, having gotten in trouble for physical confrontat­ions with other students. In all three cases, Kaleab was suspended.

Sandra told the inquest she talked to Kaleab once she learned what was being said to him. She also spoke to staff at his schools in Maclean and, later, Balgonie. While she testified she was told racism wasn’t tolerated, she wasn’t aware of anything being done about it.

“I always used to tell Kaleab, ‘just walk away,’ give them 10 chances,’” she said. “But he just had enough.”

On the first occasion, Kaleab was suspended for punching a student who called him the N-word. The second time, she said Kaleab was jumped by two kids, whom he then beat up. On the last occasion — just days before his death — Kaleab punched another student, knocking out teeth, when the teen reportedly tripped Kaleab during a basketball game and called him the N-word.

Sandra said the final incident was captured on video and posted to social media. One of Kaleab’s friends shared it with her. “You could see he was calling him the N-word,” she said of that video.

On that occasion, police were called and Kaleab was ultimately charged with assault causing bodily harm. Sandra said she told the responding officer Kaleab had been threatenin­g suicide.

“I remember (the officer) telling me to send him back to Ethiopia,” Sandra said. The following day, Kaleab took his own life.

Sandra testified the warnings had been there — warnings for which she said the family received insufficie­nt help. Her husband came to her one day, concerned because he’d found a sheet in the barn believed to have been placed there by Kaleab to hang himself. On another occasion, Kaleab had to be taken to the hospital when he overdosed on pills.

Sandra said she took steps to help him, including getting him in to see a psychologi­st on multiple occasions, contacting Social Services and seeking help from the RCMP when he’d run away. She even offered to get him into a different school.

“He said, ‘Mom, you just don’t understand what it’s like. You don’t understand,’” she said.

Sandra testified she called Mobile Crisis for help at one point, concerned about Kaleab’s threats of suicide. She said she was told few kids actually followed through and that she should check on him every 15 minutes.

She added she called Social Services on the morning of April 30, 2018, asking them to come out.

They didn’t, reportedly because Dean told them his son was OK. By afternoon, Kaleab was dead.

Under questionin­g by lawyers for the Ministry of Social Services and the Saskatchew­an Health Authority, Sandra acknowledg­ed numerous meetings, phone calls and other steps taken over the years to try to address Kaleab’s struggles — steps the inquest is expected to hear more about in days to come.

But Sandra said she believes the family’s needs, and therefore Kaleab’s, were not adequately met.

“I feel so many people failed us,” she said.

Sandra said the problems Kaleab faced are far from resolved. Despite a plea she put out on social media following her son’s death, urging parents to talk to their kids about racism and bullying, Kaleab’s younger sister reported being called the N-word just two weeks ago. “Nothing has changed,” Sandra said.

The inquest — over which Alma Wiebe is presiding — is expected to hear from Dean Schmidt on Tuesday.

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Kaleab Schmidt

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