Saskatoon StarPhoenix



Folks in Saskatchew­an take pride in a history of being good neighbours. Barn raisings, bringing food to friends who have lost a family member and big donation totals at Telemiracl­e are just some examples of our customs of generosity.

Now, with the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic being felt around the world and here at home, we have a chance to prove just how community minded we really are. Rather than reaching out, however, it may mean we are careful to keep to ourselves and help contain a potential spread of the virus.

We can’t squander this window to prepare and create a fulsome response. We must also act in a manner that keeps the well-being of our neighbours in mind, even as we protect our own families from infection.

Certainly, more transparen­t and regular communicat­ion about the province’s plan to contain the virus is warranted. Officials need to make themselves available to the media and the public on a constant basis as this global emergency unfolds. This involves clear messaging for how people will be tested — especially if an outbreak occurs.

We do know, however, what action needs to be taken by individual­s. The most important things to remember are the most simple: Wash your hands, stay home if you are sick and limit unnecessar­y social contact through handshakes and other touching.

Prairie common sense should also prevail when it comes to stocking up on staples like toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Take what you need in case you are quarantine­d for some time and can’t leave home, but don’t clean out the shelves and leave others in a bind.

Mass gatherings are being avoided around the world and in Saskatchew­an. The Junos, scheduled for Sunday in Saskatoon, have been cancelled. The National Lacrosse League season — and that of the Saskatchew­an Rush — has been suspended.

While such decisions are disappoint­ing and will seem reactionar­y to some, they make sense. However low the risk might be, there is no need to stage non-crucial events that put several thousand people in close contact with one another.

We only have to look at the devastatin­g effects of COVID-19 in a nation like Italy to see the importance of being prepared and not taking our health and safety for granted. The coming days are a test of our officials, but also of the sense of duty of all our citizens to each other.

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