Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Sask. ‘rationaliz­es’ COVID-19 tests, puts priority on essential workers


In ever-evolving pandemic protocol, Saskatchew­an’s COVID -19 testing is now being limited to travellers who have a fever, health-care workers, and community members who may be part of a cluster infection.

“At this point, we are not short on testing supplies,” chief medical health officer Dr. Saqib Shahab said Friday.

“But we do know that this situation is going to continue for several weeks to months, and we need to rationaliz­e who gets tested. We all know that even by going to get tested, if you were infectious, you are creating some risk for others.”

About 80 per cent of people who acquire COVID-19 will have mild symptoms; 14 per cent of those people wouldn’t notice more than dry cough, Shahab said.

Now, even travellers are not required to be tested, as anyone returning to the province must quarantine at home for 14 days.

If someone has a fever and dry cough, they should consult Healthline 811 or their primary care physician to see if testing is needed.

The speed of test results depends on who is being tested.

Essential-services workers, including health-care workers, would have test results in one to two days — but must wait a couple of days after showing symptoms to be tested, “because if you test too early, the test may be a false negative,” Shahab said.

Testing for cluster outbreaks, for example in a long-term care facility or small daycare, would have results within one to two days.

If travellers have returned with a fever, their test results would take longer, but “it doesn’t change what you need to do,” because travellers are ordered to quarantine.


Saskatchew­an reported nine new confirmed cases of COVID -19 on Friday, bringing the province’s total to 104. Three people have now recovered from the virus.

Two coronaviru­s patients are in intensive care units, one each in Regina and Saskatoon.

Another four patients are hospitaliz­ed in acute care units in Regina, Saskatoon and the North. Chief medical health officer Dr. Susan Shaw said staff are taking “full precaution­s” with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients.


The province continues to report its cases in terms of rather vague demographi­c locations — regions are Regina, South (excluding Regina), Saskatoon, Central (excluding Saskatoon), North, and Far North.

NDP Leader Ryan Meili is calling for more specific place reporting.

“I think it’s of great value for people in a town like Weyburn or Moosomin, towns of a reasonable size, to know, ‘Oh yes, this is happening in my community, and it’s community transmissi­on,’ ” Meili said.


Shahab advises using the same precaution­s with online shopping as with shopping in physical stores — although there are no reports of someone getting sick from touching a mailed package.

“In a grocery store or other setting, an apartment block, you open the door, you come in, you wash your hands,” Shahab said.

“So if you want to be extra cautious, you should wipe down whatever you have bought, if it can be wiped down. Or if it can be laundered or washed, do that, or let it sit out for a few hours in the garage for two or three days. I think those are some extra layers of caution we can apply.”


DO NOT leave your house if you have any symptoms of illness — including a dry cough.

DO NOT dine with people outside of your household.

DO NOT have a picnic with your friends and extended family, even though the weather is supposed to be gorgeous this weekend.

DO get outside. Hang out in your yard, or go for a walk — just make sure you maintain a two-metre distance from the people you encounter.

DO stay connected with your friends and family, through technology or in person — as long as you’re keeping a two-metre distance.

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