Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Hops can hide an unsightly structure in summer


While touring the University of Saskatchew­an horticultu­re plots in 2019, I noticed attractive mounds of a climbing plant with soft, bright green cones.

These were hop plants (Humulus lupulus), a perennial species of flowering plant that is native to Europe, Western Asia and North America. The trial at the University is being carried out to determine which commercial hop cultivars are best suited to Saskatchew­an’s short growing season and harsh winter conditions.

Once the best adapted cultivars have been identified, they will be included in breeding trials so that eventually hop plants more suitable for our climate will be available. This is in support of a growing local brewing industry, as hops are an important part of the brewing process. While I do enjoy drinking an occasional beer, my interest in the plant was as an ornamental vine to grow in my back yard.

There are several types of ornamental hop available from local nurseries, some with greener leaves and some more yellow.

It is also possible to purchase the native hop. I was warned by several gardeners that hop plants grow very vigorously and tend to take over the garden. Although this might seem to be a negative characteri­stic, it means their rapid and rampant growth can hide unsightly structures in just one summer.

Hops grow best in full sun to partial shade, and can reach a height of 3.5 to 6 metres (12 to 20 feet) in one season. They can be pruned back if this is too exuberant for your garden, and they die back to ground level every winter.

In their first year, they should be watered when the top 7 cm (3 inches) of soil is dry, and fertilized regularly once they are actively growing. This is because in the first year, the plant spends much of its energy in developing a large root system. Once they are well establishe­d, plants become more drought tolerant.

When the new plant has stems that are around 30 cm (6 in.) long, wind them clockwise around strings that run from the ground to the top of a supporting structure. The lowest portions of the plant should be trimmed back once the plant has reached a height of about 1 m (3 ft), to provide air circulatio­n and reduce the chance of disease. Mulching around the base of the plant will help prevent the soil from drying out and also deters weed growth.

Hop plants are either male or female, and cones are only produced on female plants. Some of the cones will contain seeds if they have been pollinated by the male plants. Most hop plants are propagated from rhizomes (undergroun­d stems) so you can be sure that your hop plant came from a female plant.

The mature cones can be used in beer making. If this is of interest to you, there is an excellent book all about hops and beer making: For the Love of Hops, by Stan Hieronymus.

Hops have been used in brewing beer in Europe for many years. In Britain, hop picking was a working vacation for many townspeopl­e who stayed on the farms to pick the hops in the fall. Many hops were grown in the region of Kent, where my mother grew up. Even now (at the age of 99) she can recall men walking on stilts through hop fields, freeing the tall plants so they could be laid on the ground and the hops picked off.

Lying on a hop-stuffed pillow is supposed to have a calming effect that encourages a healthy sleep. Other herbs such as lavender, rosemary, mint or lemon verbena can be added to disguise the pungent, slightly resinous smell of the dried hops. Sprinkling the herb/hop blend with water that has a few drops of glycerine added will soften the plant material so that it does not rustle and crackle in the pillow. The hops should be replaced every four to six months, as they may develop an unpleasant smell. Jill Thomson is a plant disease specialist (retired) who enjoys gardening in Saskatoon with her family, including the dogs.

This column is provided courtesy of the Saskatchew­an Perennial Society (SPS; saskperenn­ Check our website saskperenn­ or Facebook page ( saskperenn­ial). All Saskatchew­an Perennial Society events are on hold until further notice.

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