Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Bride is in charge of photos


The following column was originally published in 2017.

Dear Annie: I am married to a wonderful woman who was widowed 10 years ago. She has two adult children. The daughter is to be married soon. My wife thinks I should be in the wedding photos with the bride and groom as if we were the parents. I disagree. Perhaps photos of my wife and me as attendees, but certainly not in the wedding pictures as if I'm the bride's father. I am 50 years old. Her daughter is 32. We have been married for five years. Please help.

Photo Shop

Dear Photo: This is up to the bride. If she wants you to be in a family wedding photo, please agree to do so. If she prefers that family photograph­s include only her mother, that is also OK, and we are glad to see that you are gracious enough to step aside. Make sure your wife understand­s that it is inappropri­ate for her to insist that you be in these pictures.

Dear Annie: My wife is “Married to an Octopus,” and we have a very happy marriage.

I've been with one woman my entire life, and I'm still madly in love with her. We've been married for more than 19 years and have a couple of wonderful children, and I still think she's the hottest woman on Earth. I can't keep my hands off of her, but I am respectful and only do it in private.

I make her breakfast in bed at least once a week, bring her flowers often and shower her with love letters. We're not all bad.

Happily Married Mr. Octopus Annie's Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column.

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