Saskatoon StarPhoenix

The STF doesn't represent students


I support teachers; they have a very difficult job to do, and most do it well. I can no longer support their negotiatio­n techniques, however. The STF claims they represent students. This is an outright lie. The STF represents teachers only.

In our democracy, the province represents taxpayers and the school boards represent students. Both are duly elected and face consequenc­es for not doing what the people they represent want. Teachers, however, do not, Saskatchew­an students ranked among the lowest in standardiz­ed grades. Please tell me what teachers faced any consequenc­es for the poor result. None.

In their attempt to take the decision-making powers away from elected officials, they are trying to control everything that happens in a school. Our children and taxpaying parents are continuing to bear the brunt of these demands.

Our children have not had the benefit of a complete unencumber­ed school year for four years now with no end in sight. Class complexity is an issue, no doubt; however, the province and the school boards are the right people to address this with input from teachers who work on the front lines every day.

The biggest challenge I see is trying to teach a grade while some students are operating at lower grade levels in multiple discipline­s. I believe our standard of passing every student without the skills to succeed must end.

I know many families who are now considerin­g home-schooling to provide some normalcy to their children's educationa­l experience. Is this what the STF and teachers want? It is certainly not what I want. Mike Dupuis, Saskatoon

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