Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Commons Speaker John Fraser was a remarkable mentor

Longtime MP treated everyone with respect, writes his friend Jim Watson.

- Jim Watson, first elected to municipal office in 1991, is the former mayor of Ottawa and a former Ontario cabinet minister.

Not everyone has the privilege of having a mentor like John Fraser. His sage advice and wisdom stayed with me throughout my career as a public servant and politician. Former Ottawa mayor Jim Watson

One of the ironies of being Speaker of the House of Commons is that you rarely speak and when you do, you must avoid remarks that could be considered partisan or political.

So when my boss at the time, Speaker John Fraser, was asked to give a speech on his role outside the chamber, he was always happy to go into detail about his place in the parliament­ary system. The one challenge with those speeches was that he had a lot to say that had been bottled up, and at times those speeches would go on far too long.

He wrote most of his speeches himself and I — his director of communicat­ions — was tasked as editor. Even if we all agreed on the content and length, he, like many politician­s, would go off script, adding to the length of the talk.

Once, while on an airplane travelling to a speech in Regina, we agreed that I would cough from my seat in the front row when it was time for him to finish his remarks. He agreed and we landed, went to the venue and he began speaking.

At about the appropriat­e time, I started coughing. He kept going and I coughed a little louder. Seeing he was now into the 50-minute mark, I let out a very loud cough and finally he finished his 20-minute speech — in over an hour.

He came right over to me after and said, with a twinkle in his eyes: “James, are you getting a cold? You should have that looked at.” And we both burst out laughing.

John Fraser passed away last Sunday after a distinguis­hed career as a lawyer, environmen­talist, minister and Speaker of the House from 1986 to 1993. In fact, he was the first Speaker in Canadian history elected by secret ballot, and I would argue one of the most respected occupants of that chair.

I worked on the Hill from 1984 to 1991, and had the pleasure of working for John Fraser from 1987 to 1991.

Throughout one's career, there are often many people who help you out or give you solid advice. But not everyone has the privilege of having a mentor like John Fraser. His sage advice and wisdom stayed with me throughout my career as a public servant and politician.

He was the first person I approached when I was thinking about running for Ottawa council in 1991, in Capital ward, and he was very supportive. He offered advice on everything from policy developmen­t to fundraisin­g to knocking on doors. (I won.)

He was passionate about the environmen­t and launched an environmen­t action plan called “Greening the Hill,” an initiative to convert vehicles to cleaner energy, install water-efficient fountains, recycle paper and so on. It was the first project of its kind in government and received buy-in from all parties.

He worked with well-known activists such as now-green party Leader Elizabeth May to preserve ecological­ly sensitive lands and waters in British Columbia.

One of his most endearing qualities was how he treated everyone the same — whether he was meeting Nelson Mandela, the actor Sir Peter Ustinov or a group of Girl Guides.

He was passionate about protecting the rights and privileges of all MPS and would host intimate dinners on the Hill or at the Speaker's official residence at Kingsmere, and he insisted that the attendees be from all parties so they could get to know one another away from the glare of the spotlight.

Above all, he taught me about decency and being thoughtful and respectful of differing points of view.

He is predecease­d by his wonderful wife, Cate, and had three remarkable daughters: Sheena, Mary and Anna.

I owe much to John Fraser and thank his family for sharing his compassion, wit and wisdom with a generation of elected officials and public servants.

 ?? JIM WATSON ?? A young Jim Watson, right, is shown with John Fraser. Watson worked with Fraser from 1987 to 1991, before entering politics himself. Fraser, the former Speaker of the House of Commons, died earlier this week.
JIM WATSON A young Jim Watson, right, is shown with John Fraser. Watson worked with Fraser from 1987 to 1991, before entering politics himself. Fraser, the former Speaker of the House of Commons, died earlier this week.

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