Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Man who stabbed Freshco employee sentenced to prison


An 18-year-old man who stabbed a Saskatoon Freshco employee in February had been arrested, and released from custody on conditions, in connection with a domestic assault three months earlier.

Crown prosecutor Paul Goldstein told a provincial courtroom last month that police reports said Gabriel Aldous's behaviour had been “escalating” in the days before he smashed a window and threatened to stab his sister with scissors during a family argument on Nov. 19, 2023.

Aldous pleaded guilty to assault with a weapon for that incident, as well as failing to attend court on Feb. 1 and robbing the 33rd Street Freshco on Feb. 7.

He was sentenced to approximat­ely two years and eight months in prison.

“You made a victim,” Judge Bruce Bauer told Aldous, imposing the federal sentence jointly proposed by the Crown and defence.

In his victim impact statement, the grocery store employee described being afraid to get out of his car and go to work after he was stabbed in the upper left arm. He said he's still in pain and awaiting surgery.

The victim told police he watched Aldous stuff food into his jacket and bunnyhug. He said Aldous denied having anything when asked to turn over the items.

“I tapped his stomach where you could see products sticking out from his jacket, and heard crunching noises of the bags. He then pulled out multiple bags of chips, bags of candies. We asked for everything since he had chocolate bars in his outer jacket pocket and still product in his bunnyhug,” the man told police.

“He became aggressive, verbally saying he was starving and had no money. I told him to reach out to the food bank or the Friendship Inn instead of stealing. He told us to `eff off,' walked away and continued to a different aisle.”

He said he followed Aldous, who stabbed him and threatened to do it again if he “tried to put hands on him.”

Goldstein said Aldous was found hiding in a nearby alley and arrested after a brief chase. He had a seven-inch fixed blade paring knife and stolen food.

Defence lawyer Logan Marchand said Aldous had nowhere to live after being kicked out of his home. Officers noted they were concerned about his ability to care for himself when they arrested him for the domestic assault.

“It's clear to me when I talk to Mr. Aldous, there's certainly some likely cognitive delays or challenges, some underlying mental health issues,” Marchand told court.

He said Aldous suspects he has bipolar disorder. Although he has never been formally diagnosed, he was supposed to be assessed as a child, and both his parents were diagnosed with the same disorder, Marchand said.

Aldous, who has no prior criminal record, hopes he can get access to mental health supports, an assessment and perhaps some treatment so he can be in a more stable position when he is released, Marchand said.

“I've definitely learned my lesson and I will change for the better,” Aldous said from jail.

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