Say Magazine

Artist Statement:


“Working with the turtle teaches us to look at life from the beginning of time, from early organisms to the life that we see here today on

Mikinaak Minitig (Turtle Island), North America. On Mikinaak Minitig, we are given all the plant medicines and animal beings that we need to sustain us, keep us well, live strong and Mashkowaad­iziiwin (live a truthful life). The Thunder Beings and Mikinaak also share the connection of water. The Thunder Being’s lightning cleanses Turtle Island and its waters with each strike. The Elders in the north teach us that the loon represents kindness, to treat all living things with

Gizhewaadi­zoon (kindness). The one that speaks for the Thunder Beings, the lightning that comes to his mouth, represents that gift of knowledge and speaking the truth. We live by the four elements of life: water, earth, air and fire. Miigwech, Gaakinaawi­iyag.”

- Jordan Quequish, Sturgeon Clan.

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