Sherbrooke Record

Stanstead county women’s institute annual meeting


The Stanstead County W.I. annual meeting was held at the Beebe Campground on April 26, with 9 members present.

Dyanne Saanum, President, opened the meeting and members repeated the “Mary Stewart Collect” and had a minute of silence for members and family member who have passed away since the last meeting.

Janet Mclellan, on behalf of Hatley Center officially welcomed the members. Before the start of the meeting members were pleased to be able to present both Debbie and Bruce Smith certificat­es of appreciati­on for all they do for W.I. Dyanne also presented them with a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers and a rose bush.

Phyllis Dustin read the minutes from the fall county meeting and gave the treasurer’s report. There was no business from the minutes.

A thank you was read from Debbie and Bruce Smith for all the support received from the Stanstead County members this past winter while she was in the hospital and after returning home. Thank yous were also received from Melvin Dustin and Wesley Mason for the gift certificat­es they received for making the needed repairs at the tea room before the fair in August 2016. Annual Convenor Reports were read. Barbara Hewitt reported that the essays received for the Annual Creative Writing Competitio­n have been marked at county level and have been sent in to the provincial level. Congratula­tions to the participan­ts. Acknowledg­ements will be sent to the students and their teacher.

Stanstead County W.I. will sponsor a special in the Children’s Cooking Department at the Ayer’ Cliff Fair for 2017 to commemorat­e Canada’s 150th Anniversar­y.

The County Officers for 2017 will not change. Dyanne Saanum President, Debbie Smith, Secretary and Phyllis Dustin, Treasurer.

Doctor Brown scholarshi­ps have been awarded to three deserving students who are continuing their education in the medical field: Reiley Sutherland, Katia Vachon and Carrie Schoolcraf­t. Estella Holmes scholarshi­ps have also been awarded to Emily Young and Kevin Knight who are continuing their education. Congratula­tions to these 5 students as they continue their studies.

Melvin Dustin has volunteere­d to repair the shutters on the tea room. Thanks Melvin. You are always willing to help us when we need an extra hand.

The next meeting will be late July or in August to make final plans for the Tea Room at the Ayer’s Cliff Fair.

Being no other business the meeting was closed and a delicious lunch was served by Janet Mclellan of the Hatley Center Branch. Thanks Janet. Door prizes were won by Phyllis Dustin and Elaine Stone.

Submitted by Elaine Stone for the Stanstead County W.I.

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