Sherbrooke Record

Do just one thing

- By Danny Seo

We all recycle, but there are ways to make it easier and more efficient. Labels on glass bottles and jars do not need to be removed; in fact, they help keep the bottles intact and prevent breakage. When glass is recycled, the labels are removed or burnt off during the melting process anyway. When recycling cardboard boxes, if you set the flattened boxes out at night and it rains, no need to worry. Wet cardboard is still recyclable. Finally, make room in your recycling bin by crushing aluminum cans. They are still recyclable, and it frees up space for bulkier recyclable­s.

In 1919, Capt. Ernest Hoy flew from Lulu Island, B.C., to Calgary, becoming the first person to fly across the Canadian Rockies.

In 1919, William Lyon Mackenzie King was elected leader of the federal Liberal party, succeeding Sir Wilfrid Laurier. He served as prime minister for 22 years between 1921 and 1948.

In 1927, the Internatio­nal Peace Bridge between Fort Erie, Ont., and Buffalo, N.Y., was dedicated.

In 1930, R. B. Bennett became Conservati­ve prime minister when his party easily beat William Lyon Mackenzie King's Liberals in the unhappines­s of the “Great Depression.” The Depression only worsened, however, and the Conservati­ves lost the next election in 1935.

In 1950, the cabinet decided to create a special Canadian armed force to serve with the United Nations in Korea.

In 1954, England's Roger Bannister beat Australia's John Landy in what became known as the “Miracle Mile” at the British Empire Games in Vancouver. It

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