Sherbrooke Record

Tips for guests on flushing the toilet

- Ross Murray


Welcome to our home and, more specifical­ly, this little corner of personal hygiene privacy we like to call the guest bathroom. Please make yourself comfortabl­e and avail yourself of whatever you need. We have provided a wide variety of reading material, from an assortment of Archie digests to a well-thumbed Victoria’s Secret catalogue, a subtle acknowledg­ement by your hosts that, here, your business is none of ours.

That said, please be advised that this particular toilet is temperamen­tal, and we ask you to adhere to the following flushing advice.

But first, a little history of this toilet…

The toilet was imported from Stevinaigr­e-sur-slaw, France, in 1934 during the height of the Mouvement plomberie fonctional­e, which is perhaps best known through the porcelain-works of Henri-louis Villarouxi­euxeut, in particular his breathtaki­ng-to-the-point-of-gasp-producing “Bidet pour des choochoos quotidienn­es.”

This particular toilet, however, is not a Villarouxi­euxeut but rather one produced by his many apprentice­s who toiled in anonymity, hand-crafting toilets, each one uniquely contoured and lovingly plumbed. We believe ours was originally fashioned for an American manufactur­er of high-end women’s underpants. However, the toilet was never shipped because the manufactur­er went bankrupt after the bottom fell out.

The undergarme­nt industry’s loss is our gain. While we are proud of the heritage of our artisanal arse-sit-inal, its one-of-a-kind sluicing action renders the flushing action somewhat fickle. But more on that shortly.

Several years ago, we were supervisin­g a young child who asked if she could have a peach. We offered said child said fruit, and a short time later she returned, having finished the peach, so she claimed.

Not long after, our toilet began to clog. No amount of plunging would unblock the drain. Eventually, we were forced to disengage the toilet from the floor. In doing so, we found a half-eaten peach jammed in the U-bend. Thankfully, we were able to salvage the toilet; the peach: no.

Please do not use our toilet to dispose of uneaten food of any kind.

1. Grip the handle gently. 2. Push down until you hear the clink of metal against the porcelain lid.

3. HOLD HANDLE DOWN UNTIL THE WATER IN THE BOWL GETS NICE AND SWIRLY. By “nice and swirly” we mean “just to the point where things are starting to rotate confidentl­y but not so swiftly that, if you had to, you wouldn’t be able to retrieve your glasses if they happened to fall off the top of your head because you forgot they were there while you were leaning over to gauge the swirliness of the water.”

4. If you happen to have a vortex flow meter handy, 3.78 pf/~l should just about do it.

5. If you do not have a vortex flow meter, don’t be shy to ask your hosts for one! 6. RELEASE THE HANDLE! 7. Make sure everything goes down.

The story of the peach Flushing the toilet In the event everything doesn’t go down…

1. Do not panic. 2. Everything will eventually go down.

3. Wait until the tank refills with water.

4. While you wait, enjoy the hilarious antics as Archie gets an after-school job at the Chok’lit Shoppe and is immediatel­y accused of sexual harassment involving a banana split.

5. Repeat the flushing instructio­ns above.

Shouldn’t I just plunge it?

Rest assured that the problem is not a blockage, despite my spouse’s insistence that we need to pour something strong and toxic down the drain. After all, sometimes everything goes down just fine. Therefore, the problem can’t be a blockage. You’re just not flushing it right. No offence.

Couldn’t it be a half-eaten peach, and sometimes it rotates so that the water and waste squeeze past the bitten part while other times the peach is rotated such that it blocks the line completely?

It’s not a peach.

What about another type of small fruit? A plum maybe.

Trust me, it has nothing to do with the drain. It’s the tank’s flushing mechanism, which was lovingly hand-crafted by French artisans, who may have been tipsy, being French. I recently examined it, and, believe me, there’s nothing to be done.

Oh, so you’re a plumber?

No, but it’s not rocket science.

And yet…

You’re just not flushing it right.

It probably couldn’t hurt to put something strong and toxic down the drain.

I promise you that’s not the problem. Please just learn to flush the toilet properly! Honest to God, it’s not that hard!

A final word to our guests

There is a lovely Starbucks one block over. Please leave the Victoria’s Secret here.

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