Sherbrooke Record

A World In Distress

- By David Edmond

A world diverse and in distress, but why oh why must that be so?

From the beginning of time, the world has had its bouts of harmony and acrimony.

What is it about mankind that peace and happiness cannot be found? A peace and happiness to last.

Is it power sought by one or more? Is it jealousy between neighbours?

If truth be told, the warring of peoples was actually foretold from Biblical times.

Does not the Bible say, “Thou shalt not covet”? So it would seem that mankind was destined to this state.

The world we know today has grown and changed from that we knew one hundred years ago.

Two global conflicts have done little good in bringing harmony into our lives, and neither has technology.

Agreements made to keep the peace have little lasting power. For trust is never at the front of any settlement.

The world has shrunk in later years because of rapid evolution in transporta­tion and technology. Words spoken in the moment are known worldwide, tout-de-suite.

There are no secrets hidden from view. Mistrust, distrust is never far away.

Diversity of peoples should be a welcome state. To meet, to learn and live in harmony should be our main objective.

However, it would appear, that what we do not know of others from afar, we hesitate to learn and understand.

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