Sherbrooke Record

On the importance of tolerance


Peter Wade wrote an article with the premise that, “reaction against the niqab, may not be (as claimed) primarily motivated by religious intoleranc­e,” but rather an instinctiv­e discomfort with faces being covered. So, the author is trying to say that Canadians, who spend most of the winter with their faces covered, are uncomforta­ble with a few niqab wearing women, simply because they can’t read their faces. Seriously?

If the motivation of this article wasn’t a very weak attempt to rationaliz­e religious intoleranc­e, it is still a very questionab­le

2) Residents should have the opportunit­y to present their questions, views, and concerns.

D) Before major decisions are made by council, TBL residents should be properly informed and consulted. In particular, from time to time their vision for the future of TBL should be obtained (or updated) in a fully profession­al manner, presenting alternativ­e views, with the costs, pros, and cons. Full resident participat­ion such as that which occurred with Imaginacti­on should be organized when major changes to the existing vision and ill-advised article, that didn’t merit to be published once, never mind twice. This type of article gives the ignorant a pseudo-scientific justificat­ion for intoleranc­e; “I’m not intolerant, it’s just human nature. I read it somewhere.”

Empowered racists become more emboldened. We all see what is happening south of the border, as hate groups climb out of the shadows. We should not be doing anything to encourage that happening here.

West Bolton

are contemplat­ed.

E) When surveys of residents are carried out to determine opinions regarding proposed projects, they should be conducted profession­ally, and only after residents have been provided in writing with credible details regarding costs and benefits, which they have had ample opportunit­y to read.

Knowlton-lakeside Foster

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