Sherbrooke Record

Richmond Legion Branch #15 Ladies Auxiliary regular meeting


Seventeen members met at the Legion Hall on October 17 for our regular meeting.

Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. Due to space, the flags were already in place. Opening ceremonies were taken care of by 1st Vice Cmdr Donna with Pres. Cmdr Ann at the piano. The President then welcomed everyone, followed by a few interestin­g remarks and then asked for the Roll Call.

Secretary Cmdr Lucie read the minutes from the last meeting, which were accepted after a couple of clarificat­ions. Treasurer Cmdr Dawn gave her report and it was accepted.

Correspond­ence - one request for a donation for the Town’s Christmas Baskets.

Reports of Committee

Health and Welfare - Cmdr Anne had nothing to report.

Membership - Cmdr Elsie presented Cmdr Shirley Noble with her “life” membership having reached the magic number, congratula­tions.

Publicity- Cmdr Mildred had nothing to report.

Ways and Means - Cmdr Donna reported on the catering for the Armistice Banquet on the 11th of November and another catering coming up.

Special Committee pertaining to the donations given to the Schools - Cmdr Ann Nixon had met with them and delivered our donations to the cause.

New business – A donation was given to the Christmas Baskets and a donation will be given to the Senior Branch at the Banquet. Everyone was given the News Letter from the Senior Branch and reminded about all the Armistice events coming up.

A special “thank you” was given to our knitters for donating mittens, scarves, etc. to the students at St Francis.

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned, closed in form, followed by a light lunch. Half and half was won by Cmdr Elsie.

In Comradeshi­p

Cmdr Mildred E. Holliday, P.P.

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