Sherbrooke Record

A variety of medication­s can be used to treat essential tremor



St. Andrew’s Presbyteri­an Church, 256 Queen St., Lennoxvill­e, 819-569-3100, Sundays: 10:30 a.m. Worship and Sunday School.


Ayer’s Cliff - Magog - Georgevill­e Pastoral Charge welcomes everyone for Sunday service at Beulah United Church in Ayer’s Cliff - Worship service and Sunday School 9:15 a.m. and St. Paul’s United Church, Magog - Worship Service and Sunday School 11:15 a.m. with lunch provided each Sunday following the service in Magog. Minister: Rev. Lee Ann Hogle 819-571-7233.


The Richmond-melbourne Pastoral Charge invites you to join us for worship on Sunday, November 19 at 10:30 a.m. in Richmond, 247 rue Principale Sud. Rev. Mead Baldwin will be leading this worship service during which we will celebrate communion. All are welcome!


Waterville/north Hatley United Church, Sunday, November 19, 11 a.m. Service with Carolyn Linde. Sunday School. Rev. Mead Baldwin 819-837-1112.


Lennoxvill­e United Church, corner of Queen and Church Street, welcomes you to worship with Rev. Linda Buchanan on Sunday, November 19, at 10:00 a.m.. Children are always welcome. Phone: 819-565-8449; website: lennoxvill­eunitedchu­


Plymouth-trinity United Church, corner of Dufferin and Terrill: 819 346-6373 - www.plymouthtr­initychurc­ . Sunday, November 19, we will have one bilingual service at 10:30 a.m. with Holy Communion and a M&S luncheon, followed by a congregati­onal meeting. There also will be a special Sunday School. Welcome to you all! Ce dimanche nous aurons un culte bilingue à 10h30 a.m., avec Sainte Cène et un repas communauta­ire. Il sera suivi d’une discussion de la communauté. Bienvenue à tout le monde!

ASK THE DOCTORS By Robert Ashley, M.D.

Dear Doctor: I know that essential tremor doesn’t signify a disease, but the condition is very embarrassi­ng and sometimes limits my activities. I’ve tried propranolo­l, but it didn’t help. Any suggestion­s?

Dear Reader: It sounds as if you understand the basics, which is great. That will help you focus your search for new options. For those who are unfamiliar with the condition, essential tremor — unlike the tremor with Parkinson’s disease — occurs only with activity and only when holding a sustained position. In Parkinson’s, the tremor occurs at rest.

Essential tremor was formerly termed “benign essential tremor,” but there’s nothing benign about it. For some people, it can be debilitati­ng, affecting fine motor skills and limiting the ability to use utensils to eat, write, shave or apply makeup. A 1994 study found that 15 to 25 percent of people with essential tremor retire early as a result, and 60 percent fear looking for job or seeking a promotion because of it.

The condition is termed “essential,” because the tremor is not associated with any other disease. It occurs in 5 percent of people worldwide and is more prevalent as people age. An estimated 30 to 70 percent of people with the condition have a family member who also has it, but the exact cause is unknown.

So what can you do? First, be aware that caffeine, nicotine and withdrawal from alcohol or opiates can make the tremors worse, as can stress and anxiety. Medication­s such as anti-depressant­s, amphetamin­es, steroids and lithium also might make essential tremor more noticeable. Alcohol may ease tremors in the short term, but patients develop a tolerance and the alcohol becomes less effective. And, as I mentioned, withdrawal leads to greater tremors.

The medication you tried, propranolo­l, is a beta blocker — a blood pressure drug long used to treat essential tremor. It can be used as needed to decrease tremors in stressful situations or taken daily to suppress tremors overall. But it didn’t work for you, so let’s assess other options.

The anti-seizure drug primidone is also often used to ease essential tremor. It decreases nerve excitabili­ty and is as effective as propranolo­l, with improvemen­t rates of about 70 percent in most people. However, many patients feel sedated, nauseated and have difficulty with balance when taking primidone. These side effects occur about 36 percent of the time.

Another anti-seizure drug, gabapentin, can also be effective, particular­ly at a daily dose of 1,200 mg. The problem with gabapentin is that for many people, especially the elderly, it can lead to drowsiness. It might be best to start at doses of 100 mg three times per day and increase that if necessary and if you can tolerate it. Topiramate, another anti-seizure medication, has also shown benefit in easing tremor, but it too causes drowsiness.

Also worth considerin­g: Botox injections. Botulinum toxin can decrease head tremors, voice tremors and tremors involving the arms, but because the toxin paralyzes muscles, it can cause weakness in the injection areas.

When essential tremor is severe, surgical techniques such as deep brain stimulatio­n may be an option. In this technique, electrodes are placed deep in an area of the brain called the thalamus and are connected to an electrical-pulse generator implanted in the chest wall.

But before you consider such a measure, start by avoiding medication­s and drugs that make your tremors worse, and ask your doctor about primidone or gabapentin. Also, don’t give up.

Robert Ashley, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles.

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