Sherbrooke Record

Coconut oil is a saturated fat that should be used in moderation



By Eve Glazier, M.D., and Elizabeth Ko, M.D.

Dear Doctor: Coconut oil has gotten to be really popular, but now there’s a study that says it’s just as bad for you as beef fat and butter. How is that possible? It has no animal fat whatsoever.

Dear Reader: Coconut oil is definitely having a moment. It has gone from being a specialty item in the health food store to sitting side-by-side with the rest of the cooking oils in major grocery stores. And you’re correct — coconut oil is definitely not an animal product. However, that doesn’t prevent it from being a saturated fat.

Coconut oil turns out to have a significan­tly higher percentage of saturated fat than does butter, beef fat or lard. Coconut oil is between 80 and 90 percent saturated fat. Butter is about 65 percent saturated fat, while lard and beef fat each come in at 40 percent saturated fat. The reason this is an issue is because saturated fat in the diet is associated with a rise in blood levels of low-density lipoprotei­n, or LDL cholestero­l, the so-called “bad” cholestero­l. Blood levels of LDL are tied to heart attack risk and cardiovasc­ular disease.

But coconut oil has a few surprises as well. At the same time that it acts like a traditiona­l saturated fat by raising LDL levels, it also has a beneficial effect on blood levels of highdensit­y lipoprotei­n, or HDL, the so-called “good” cholestero­l. While LDL is associated with the buildup of fatty deposits, known as plaque, in the arteries, HDL is believed to help clear that plaque away. It may be this beneficial effect on HDL that helped coconut oil earn a reputation as a healthful fat.

That brings us to the new study you referenced, which is actually an advisory from the American Heart Associatio­n. With cardiovasc­ular disease causing more than 17 million deaths per year, the AHA used the advisory to reiterate the health benefits of choosing unsaturate­d fats over those that are saturated. In the report, the AHA cites coconut and palm oils as saturated fats to avoid, along with the usual suspects — butter, lard and beef fat. That’s why the news stories had those “coconut oil will kill you” headlines.

We believe the subject deserves a bit more nuance. First, it’s important to remember that although fats are notorious for high calorie counts and an associatio­n with weight gain and heart disease, they’re also essential nutrients. They’re needed for metabolic functions like helping with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and micronutri­ents, and are required for the synthesis of the steroid hormones testostero­ne, estrogen and progestero­ne. The message is not that fats should be cut from the diet, but that they should be chosen wisely. We’re also very interested in the continuing research that suggests inflammati­on plays as much of a role in cardiovasc­ular disease as do cholestero­l counts.

But back to coconut oil. In our opinion, it’s not a miracle food and it’s not a poison. It’s a saturated fat with nice flavor and some very interestin­g nutritiona­l properties. Just like butter or lard, coconut oil can be safely used in moderation.

Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and primary care physician at UCLA Health.

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