Sherbrooke Record

A Canadian Premiere in Valcourt

- Record Staff

On Wednesday, the J. Armand Bombardier Museum of ingenuity inaugurate­d its new temporary Exhibition, Inspiring NATURE, inspired TECHNO: Biomimicry and Transporta­tion, which is now open to the general public. The exhibit will be featured for an entire year at the museum and then take to the road across Canada!

With this, the museum’s first travelling exhibition, visitors will explore how nature inspires some of the innovative technologi­es used in transporta­tion. They will discover close to 30 natural specimens and technologi­cal objects that share common principles, and manipulate interactiv­e displays highlighti­ng these concepts.

For example the PWC hydrojet was inspired by the propulsion system of squid, and smart cars use a detection system similar to that of locusts. There is also an ultra-resistant type of glass inspired by shells. A dozen examples illustrate the principles of biomimicry.

Located in Valcourt, in the Eastern Townships region, the J. Armand Bombardier Museum of Ingenuity brings to life the legacy of Joseph‐armand Bombardier and his successors, to show visitors that creativity, ingenuity, invention, and innovation are within everyone’s reach. Founded in 1971 and refurbishe­d in May 2016, the Museum is actively inspiring future generation­s and fulfilling a cultural and educationa­l mission.

For complete informatio­n (entrance fees, hours, etc.), please visit the Museum’s website: www.museebomba­

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