Sherbrooke Record

Short-term rentals a growing concern in the Townships

- By Matthew Mccully

Residents in zones R-10 and R-12 around Stukely Lake in Eastman have approached town council with concerns about properties being used for short-term rentals in the area.

A bylaw has been tabled by council, the first draft of which was presented during the Aug.6 council meeting, modifying the current short-term rental laws to impose limits on short-term rentals in the zones in question.

The bylaw was a reaction to a petition signed by residents in the two zones, concerned that the increasing number of properties being bought in the area with the express purpose of renting could disrupt the otherwise peaceful neighbourh­ood.

The same problem was dealt with recently in Stanstead Township. Following complaints from locals, the municipali­ty adopted a bylaw to allow short-term rentals, but with conditions to minimize

the disruption to locals. The bylaw was rejected in two zones, rendering the short-term rental properties in some areas illegal. When the town sent letters telling those owners to stop renting, it was met with a lawsuit from the owners.

Eastman is trying a different approach.

According to Town Manager Ginette Bergeron, the new bylaw will impose restrictio­ns on short-term renting, but there is a grandfathe­r clause in the bylaw protecting property owners currently operating rentals with a CITQ permit.

The second draft of the bylaw, as well as a public consultati­on, is scheduled during the upcoming Sept.4 meeting in Eastman.

Bergeron explained that the action taken by the town is a response to concerns about the increase in rental properties and not the result of specific complaints regarding rental properties currently operating around Stukely Lake.

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